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Comment Re:Disincentive? (Score -1, Offtopic) 234

These kind of posts seem to be popping up a lot and off topic the last day or so. Are they always this bad or did I just not notice them till I was trying to burn off my mod points?

I don't see a link... so not an advertisement.

This is Slashdot where the cool-aid has already been drank, urinated, recycled through open sourced urine recycling hardware/software pirated from NASA, and drank again. Not astro-turfing unless it is of the 2-minute hate variety. Of course it could be trojan-astro-turfing by coming off as so vitriolic and annoying to drive people away from that mentality.

Just trolling maybe?

Comment Who is the one pulling the jokes here? (Score 4, Interesting) 276

Well, I hope jokes.

For years we have been joking that 1984 is not a guide. Now it seems either someone being paid to develop this has a sense of humor or has decided to up their game. No longer will 1984 be the guide, they are out to outdo the Dark Lord Sauron himself. Though, Tolkien was trying to recreate the lost myths of Britain, and by that reasoning LotR would be our past... Has anyone noticed any recent appointees or elected officials seemingly always wearing a plain gold ring?

Comment Re:Freshmen lawmakers needed (Score 1) 954

Uhm, no. An idealist is only good if you agree with their ideals.

To paraphrase Jack Sparrow: "Me? I'm a politician, and a politician you can always trust to be political. Honestly. It's the idealists you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid."

The Republicans elected a bunch of idealists. We now have presidential candidates who effectively want to disband the federal government, stating air pollution might cure asthma, vaccines cause autism, there is no unemployment just laziness and the best way to show this is to repeal child labor laws and force nine-year-olds to have jobs, etc., are now talking points.

These didn't come out of no where. The candidates are either idealists themselves or trying to appeal to the idealist part of their party in these tight primary races.

Comment South Park (Score 5, Interesting) 177

Anyone else find all that South Park stuff being on there is somewhat ironic? Maybe they just need to pitch more that all the episodes save some of the more recent ones (after the first week and then they pop back on) and two taken down for censorship are online for free?

I say Ironic was Trey and Matt stated they pushed for all the episodes being online for free because they were tired of having to pirate their own series whenever they easily wanted to rewatch an episode easily?

Comment Re:I have the answer folks, send me my prize. (Score 2) 469

Wants to get high, justifies possible aid to global climate change.

Quite similar to a person with a vested interest in ethanol once told me. Ethanol is carbon negative! Take the corn kernels and make ethanol. What do you do with the cob and stalks? He didn't know, but you could do something with them as they are made from carbon pulled from the air. There you go, more carbon stored than burned. Therefore, make and burn more ethanol by building plants made by the company he works for.

Comment Re:I can see the weirdness (Score 1) 469

Devil's advocate. Irene was NYC Region's Katrina. The storm that everyone who didn't have their head in a hole had been expecting. It was one of the reasons I was hesitant to seriously consider moving there after college. NYC gets an Irene like storm every 60-75 years and I knew it was due from past statistical records.

Everything else? I'll have to take your word on. Not all weirdness is weird, but sometimes weirdness is just weirdness.

Comment Re:Develop ? (Score 1) 433

Well, it is going to lead to evolution, but you are overlooking horizontal gene transfer among bacteria that could be accelerating the problem. This isn't pure mutation and reproduction, but the bacteria equivalent of developing their own anti-anti-biotic and spreading it among their own kind too.

It is evolution + developed.

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