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Comment Re:Wha? (Score 1) 300

I would appreciate that you keep quiet if you don't have anything constructive to offer. Your smart ass attitude of "let me think that straight for you" is what makes Slashdot such a painful place to hang out. If you are knowledgeable, you could still make educated assumptions to these supposedly key details and provide helpful answer. You inability to do so should not be blamed on the person asking the question. Besides, I think most of the detail you ask for are irrelevant....

Your ignorance is astounding this has to be a troll oh well here goes.

What the previous poster is trying to do is get a picture of what the install site is like and with this info they can provide some suggestions.

This is not a small setup that you would have for your home.
This really needs to be given some thought or else if you make assumptions the network will not work and the job will have been done all over again .
This being an example of what could go wrong.
The problem really is that the story poster is being very vague and has not given enough information.

Comment Re:No Offense... (Score 1) 300

No offense... but judging by your wording, the hotel should really hire a professional. Mark my words: this will turn well for neither you nor the hotel.

I agree this is not something you should attempt without professional advice, you have a nightmare in the making here.

Have you thought of using internet over mains wiring?

There are plug packs that that plug into a power socket and have a network connector on one end .

This would give guests close to the ease of use of a wireless network without the headaches of security concerns and wireless dropouts.
You could then set up a small wireless network for the lobby and common area.

Comment Re:Now all we need is for it to target the crimina (Score 1) 228

Intent can be a crime. Or are you saying it's ok to buy the explosives, mix the bomb materials, rent the U-haul, driver it to Oklahoma, park it in front of a Federal building... and it's all perfectly legal and OK and we shouldn't arrest anybody until they actually set off the bomb? Yes, sometimes you can be found guilty of plotting to commit a crime.

But that has nothing at all to do with the story.

If they were caught with the bomb then making a bomb would be the crime there and there would also be terrorism charges but I take your point.
What I was trying say to the parent poster was that life is not White and Black there are shades of Grey.
To me he came across as arguing for arbitrary arrest.
We still live in a democracy dont we?

Comment Re:Absurd (Score 1) 325

............ The sculptor was hired by Lucasfilms...... Lucasfilms bear all the risk in the production of the film and thus should bear all the profits..

No he wasn't hired an agreement was made George Lucas could have walked away without paying.

Which could/would have left the prop maker with thousands of dollars worth of plastic props. That was a lot of money in those days.

The prop maker took a great risk here based only on an agreement. No contract, no paper just a mans word.

......One day soon people will wake up to the fact that government can not provide everything for you and businesses takes risks and therefor must be compensated for it, the good news is that day of economic reckoning is coming much sooner than everyone thinks.

Holy shit dude take a chill pill the courts have made a ruling , the umpire has spoken.

We pay these wise people to say wise things .

Don't go postal on us dude. chill

Comment Re:So goes a once-talented filmmaker (Score 1) 325

But...but...him making these items was piracy!!!!

A Lucasfilm spokeswoman said: "We believe the imaginative characters, props, costumes, and other visual assets that go into making a film deserve protection in Britain. The UK should not allow itself to become a safe haven for piracy."

Holly crap Batman. We have to stop these evil feens from doing their dirty deeds.

Comment Re:So goes a once-talented filmmaker (Score 2) 325

Seriously, you make a handshake deal (Bet this deal was done in a pub)

turn a few drawings into props for a major film and you lose all rights to use /make those props again ???

How does that work ???

Show me the paperwork that was signed.

Sounds to me like George Lucas was being a cheapskate and ripping someone off.

Is this great Wheel of Karma coming back or is it Luke defeating the Evil Emperor again ??? Use the Force .........

Comment Re: Different Animal (Score 1) 202

and how is building a large software product, or installing a new piece of software for use in the enterprise not the same animal?

It's a different animal to other project management because software is complex and always changing. When you start the project and make the plans you have to take into account that things will change like for example in the previous analogy I used "If you move the railway tracks too much you may have build a whole new train station." - It is not realising that by changing something that you may have to "build a new train station" that is the real killer.

In other projects you may do step 1 , step 2, step 3 then you come back and change a few things at but each step generally follows the other in I.T. you may do step 1, step 2, step 3 then find the client now wants step 1 changed and that means step 2 and step 3 will change with it. Software is totally changeable and a very complex beast. One change may mean a 100 hours of re-work.

It is very easy to make mistakes and if these mistakes are not caught early expensive to fix. There have been some incredibly expensive mistakes made with multi-million dollar projects having to be abandoned.

Comment Re:Hah! (Score 1) 202

Project management is an inverted parabola. Too little and you will fail due to lack of direction and budget, too much and you will smother it.

Project management in I.T. is a different animal to Project management in other industries. To give an analogy ...

You have to be careful when moving train tracks to a different location because you may have to build a whole new train station.

Comment Re:In what way did it change the game (Score 1) 202

If you're not buying that how about buying reading lessons.

He's saying that getting cheap crappy hardware that failed all the time forced them to write software with a high tolerance for failure..........

I think you miss the point. He is using Business "jargon" against itself to change people's thinking.

What he is saying "reading between the lines"is that by Not outsourcing the hardware Google had full control over the product.

In Business today it is considered dumb to produce the whole product yourself when another company can produce a piece of your product
for a much cheaper price. Your company then just assembles the end product and the costs saved equal more profit.

Here because they "found" the hardware in the trash they had to develop a software product that would work on it and they ended up
working out how to get the most out of the hardware.

Their competitors were unable to do that because the knowledge of the hardware was with another company / companies.

Comment Re:Reasons unknown?? (Score 1) 156

I heard of this same sort of thing happening once to a plane. What happened was that the plane was just painted. During the painted process, they put masking tape over the Pitots (holes/ports used to measure air pressure). They forgot to take the tape off, and when they were in flight, the airspeed, altitude, and stall warnings all went crazy from the erronious pressure readings on the clogged/covered pitot tubes. Result was bizarre instrumentation - overspeed and stall warnings at the same time, etc. They wound up crashing from confusion. Perhaps icing in the pitot tubes were causing a similar thing here.

The plane crash being referred to is this one:

Ummm I think it might be this one http://eú_Flight_603 But the plane was being cleaned , not painted and also it was a Boeing plane not an Airbus.

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