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Comment Re:First to say (Score 1) 291

How are the laws unjust? The piracy is still happening, the fact that the pirates also buy stuff shouldn't be a mitigating factor.

When the laws are intended to stop a disadvantage that isn't happening in the first place, they are unjust. The fact that pirates also buy stuff doesn't mitigate the losses and the economic damage cause by the losses because the fact that pirates buy stuff means that there is no loss.

Comment Re:You ain't seen nufin yet - NBN will be the end (Score 1) 133

Interesting to see that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Liberals don't know how to create a Slashdot account. If you're claiming that a fibre cable won't support 100Mb/s data rates, you must think we're a bunch of drongoes. If NBNCo is going to do any filtering, then you'd have a legitimate gripe with it. But that's not the story here. The story is that Telstra and OPTUS have agreed to implement Conroy's intergoogle filter without his having to have a law passed. If NBNCo did it, we'd be fucked. As it is now, we can just use a different ISP.

Comment Re:It's little more than speculation (Score 1) 225

I don't know why this particular event is getting so much attention.

Well, it is the "god particle", you know. Once it is discovered -- I guess "revealed" is a better word for this one -- once it is revealed, it will be the trumpet call of the Lord or some such bullshit.

Seriously, Leon Lederman made a big mistake with that book title. (No, I don't like "champagne bottle boson", either, and I'm surprised that the French haven't sued someone over it anyway.)

Comment Re:How about a second chance? (Score 1) 275

Perhaps guilt-ridden cheering, but cheering nonetheless.

IOW, we're all vindictive bastards, and we all know it, and none of us particularly care.

Clearly, he didn't care then, and I really don't see how four years in prison would make him care now.

That's as may be, but it illustrates a problem with incarceration-as-rehabilitation. It's supposed to be rehabilitative, but it usually isn't. What's readily apparent from the commentary here and in other threads of commentary like this is that it's meant to be nothing more than a punitive measure and as a rule we like it that way. We want to punish the guy? Fine. But make it purposeful, otherwise it's just a bloodsport. The fact that there's no actual blood just lets us be sententious about it. Poor form, humanity.

Comment Re:And what seeded the comet or asteroid? (Score 1) 199

I don't think anyone's saying that life arose on a comet or asteroid, only that the ingredients were deposited here by such. And I don't think anyone's saying that it didn't happen anywhere else. Indeed, rather that passing the buck, positing an extra-terrestrial origin for the required ingredients might suggest that it would be more likely (or at least possible) for the same sort of thing to happen elsewhere.

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