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Comment Re:Interesting, very interesting +1 (Score 1) 396

I've become bored and annoyed with an ecosystem that relies on hack upon hack just to keep your phone useful after a year.

Then buy something super-common and well supported. It doesn't have to be a nexus device, but that's a good choice. Because the only way you get stuck using hacks to keep your phone current is to buy a phone so obscure that NO ONE will port the latest stable cyanogenmod. I mean, honestly? My 2 year old "free with contract" android phone had an update to 4.0 before I sold it a few months back. It has had cyanogenmod support since I bought it.

I just made sure I didn't buy the most obscure, unknown phone out there. It's called "making a smart buying decision". Maybe you think the WP8 phone will fix that problem for you... but android is the only phone that gets frequent updates on unsupported phones. Don't look at apple, they don't do it. And the other phone options ... Blackberry? Or Symbian? Or WebOS? PalmOS? ... really.

Comment Re:I think the OP mentioned self-employment (Score 2) 292

When I'm at the workplace this is different. I am motivated and disciplined. I'm at the place where it is expected to work, and that's what I do. Also there's a clear border, when I'm home my workday is over and I don't have to worry about it.

Really? You suffer from motivation problems? You don't want to work when you don't have to?

Listen, I'm not against accommodations. But what you describe is the EXACT SAME THING everyone else deals with on a day-to-day basis. If you get special accommodations because you find it hard to work, I want them too. Why is your situation different from mine? Because of an internal mental state that can't be directly observed? So I'm denied support because I'm trying harder to keep my sh*t together?

Mental illness is a serious issue. Please treat it seriously. IF you don't want to work, don't blame circumstances outside of your control.

Comment Re:Exit Interviews are always flowery (Score 0) 550

You never know what their motives are and they can put you in jail.

Right. And in America, you shouldn't talk to anyone. They could be carrying a gun, and you never know what their motives are - they could shoot you. Oh, and don't drive on the roads, you don't know what the motives of the other drivers are - they could hit you. And don't have sexy-time with your wife, you never know what her motives are - she could give you aids. And don't talk to your parents, you never know what their motives are, they could touch you in a bad place.

Seriously, your argument is flawed on so many levels. Come back to the discussion after you've graduated primary school.

Comment Re:Easier headline... (Score 1) 550

Good point. If my manager and their manager are not in the Exit interview, then odds are they are not taking the process seriously. Take it as a chance to do some origami, or basket weaving, or planning a holiday to somewhere nice. When the HR officer asks you questions, reply with "Who reads this?" "If nothing is going to happen, then let's use this as a chance to grab a coffee."

Odds are your peculiar behavior will get you locked out of the building. Think of it as free vacation time.

Hold on. Just because your boss and manager aren't in the meeting, doesn't mean your feedback doesn't help HR get your terrible boss sh!t-canned. Not everyone is out to get you, and not everyone agrees with the way your terrible boss is treating you.

also, fix your sig. spell check it or something. Spelling mistake in a post? Fine. Spelling mistake in a signature on EVERY post? ... that's incompetence.

Comment Re:Exit Interviews are always flowery (Score 1) 550

I can't answer every problem you bring to me, but I can at least hear you out and make suggestions or see what I can do on your behalf.

Telling me I'm the greatest person you ever worked for is the worst thing to say if it's not true - it makes me think I'm doing a good job when I'm not. I realize not all managers are like me, but I have to imagine that many of us want feedback, be it good or bad.

Dear Sir, You are an exception to the rule You may be that one gem out of the one gazillion rocks that genuinely want to hear the truth But my original advice still stands - for the rest of the 99.999999% of the bosses do not want to know the truth, and I ain't gonna want anyone to get hurt just because they thought truth is more important then their own future

I disagree. I think that most people are happy to act on rational, substantiated and objective criticisms. I am, you are, and so is the OP. If you're the sort of person that thinks that everyone else is an ignorant idiot, maybe the problem isn't with everyone else.

Comment Re:Exit Interviews are always flowery (Score 2) 550

Then you have to consider that they thought that was the cheaper option, and you should be thinking: cheaper than what?

Usually, it's because a termination "contract" includes explicit instructions about things that should be implicit. Like sharing company secrets. Soliciting clients. It isn't because they owe you more money - it's because they want you to be extremely clear on their expectations, and the expectations placed upon you by common law. Rather than argue it out (and eventually win) in a lengthy court battle, the company pays you an extra 4 weeks of pay, and never has to worry about 6 months of lawyers fees (for a case they'll win anyways, and they'll get stuck paying the lawyers since you won't be able to pay).

Comment Re:Exit Interviews are always flowery (Score 0) 550

So, you expect me to lie? After spending countless hours at night and during weekends in the computer room with that wonderful boss that treated me so well and always complained about everything and always made it difficult to obtain a pay increase or get holidays? The one that was so concerned about my health that wanted to see me when I was sick (Wanted to see me working in the office the bastard)

You're right. They were so mean to you, offering you a job. I mean, they even FORCED you to work for them! You weren't even allowed to leave!

Comment Re:Exit Interviews are always flowery - updated (Score 1) 550

01. Keep a diary of your managers and co-workers actions in all their asserholery. Secretly tape meetings and keep copies of all emails. Also email back a confirmation of any mutually contradictory directive any one of your line manager(s) may give you.
02. Say nothing but good things -
03. Tell the boss how good they are even tho they are the worst type of asshole in the universe
04. Thanks the co-workers for their generous help and guidance even tho they are clumsy back-stabbers
05. Give great praises the company even tho they are giving you the pink slip
06. That will make them happy, and happy people (often) do not find time to do more harm to you, leaving you plenty of peaceful time to look for new jobs
07. When you've found a new job post evidence derived from 01 to their competitors and online ...

You forgot 08. Complain loudly that everyone ELSE is a dirty backstabber, that secretly tape meetings and keep copies of all YOUR emails.

Comment Re:Exit Interviews are always flowery (Score 0) 550

If you're in an exit interview and you're asked for your opinion on how your boss treated you while you worked there (regardless of whether it's your own boss asking the questions or not), you can't just say nothing... uncomfortable silence is uncomfortable.

stand in front of a mirror and practice this:

"I'm sorry, but I have nothing to say about that issue."

sieze your own power. do not give it away! its their right to ask anything they want; and its your right to not answer anything you don't want to.

restated: because someone asks a question is no reason to obligate you to respond to it.

its hard. but its a skill we all should try to master (better).

... right. Because helping HR improve their company, after they gave you a job and paid you to work there (at a salary you agreed to, no less!), would be a bad thing. You might think you were underpaid - but you weren't forced to work there.

Only an american would claim that they've got the right to say whatever they want (or nothing at all) AND ignore the social responsibilities of participating in a free and open society.

Comment Re:Exit Interviews are always flowery (Score 1) 550

Admitting that I saw so-and-so drink the other night means that I am at least admitting to being where so-and-so was drinking, which can be used against me. If I say nothing, it can't.

That might be true in your back-woods, but up here in civilized country (canada), you're not "protected" when "protecting others". It's called aiding and abetting, if I remember correctly, and several of our laws (not just our criminal code) require that you co-operate when being questioned. Not just cops, either - in some provinces, it includes helping people investigating workplace health/safety or harassment/violence issues.

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