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Comment Re:How Good is "Good Enough?" (Score 1) 354

Sure, but mid theatre, I can still see the pixels from 2K digital projectors. That problem is even more evident with LCD screens - the pixels are discreet. That's not true of film itself - a film print will I think not display the same problems - even if it's a 35mm print from a 2K digitally edited source. At least, I have yet to see the even a hint of the jaggies at a non-digital cinema.

Comment Re:How Good is "Good Enough?" (Score 1) 354

Yes at some sizes, no at others. That's kind of the problem with hi-res stuff, the actual resolution required be better than the human eye depends on the size of the display, and the distance at which you are viewing the display.

We're much closer to hitting those limits in the mobile space than we are in the television space, and that seems to be the "screens that are ~300dpi" How much resolution you need to get the same experience in the front row of a home theatre with a 10+ foot screen, I dunno. But 1080p, or even cinema 2K (which frankly isn't a lot more than 1080p as 2K refers to the horizontal resolution of 2048 pixels) - those probably aren't enough to defeat the human eye. I mean, at that point, I'm happy with them being "good enough"... and 4K is probably the most anyone would ever want in their mansion..

So we're getting there... but I do think at a certain point, you have to start releasing your media in different formats to suit different markets. Current 1080p is probably already good enough in many circumstances. The circumstances that would demand something like 4K... well... at that point I think it's worth setting up a new supply chain, because you really are getting in to home theatre type use there... I think finding a way of packaging what they send to theatres for 4K projection, they should figure out how to package for certain consumers, at a heftier cost. Physical media of some sort probably makes sense... maybe some sort of SSD... I mean, it's not all about resolution, you have to have the bitrate to back it up, and the modern internet doesn't particularly seem to be up to the task... or at least ISPs don't seem to be up to the task...

Comment Re:Simple solution. (Score 2) 191

Um... what? That's not what the word "open" means. If a door is "open" is might at some point in the future be "closed". The word open describes the current state of something.

Unless you mean "Take the word as it is given the specific context I will now thrust upon it, thus defeating the point of my own argument that the word has a specific universal meaning"

Comment Re:Idea (Score 1) 144

Many chords don't have all strings playing at once though. It's definitely possible to play some 3 string chords on various places on the neck, with chromatically identical notes, but tonally different results. 6 note chords are of course much more easy. Lead lines however can be placed in a variety of ways, some of which lead to easier transitions to future chords, or whatever the case may be. To be able to identify the specifics on not a known guitar but rather an arbitrary guitar that might for instance have radically different pickups, or different strings, or may be in a variety of levels of "in-tune" all the way up the neck... I'd be surprised if this could be done accurately in real time - at least not with a standard mono-out from a guitar.

That's the benefit of using separated pick-ups, and an output that can encode that data in close to real time, so that instead of just trying to figure out "collection of notes = what?" you figure out "where is that note on that string", which could even be calibrated by playing an open chord and seeing what notes it gave for alt-tunings and capos...

But of course, I'll assume most games are just going to ignore alt-tunings and capos and half-capos, and bending, and harmonics, and false harmonics, and 7 and 8 string guitars...

Oh and as for unique notes, a 24 fret guitar will only have 48 unique semi-tones represented. as the tonal distance from the lowest open E to the highest open E is 24 semitones (two octaves). 48 unique semi-tones are mapped against the 144 unique fretting positions, and some notes repeat more than others, with the smaller 2 note intervals, appearing 3, 4 or 5 times on the fret board with nearly exactly the same hand position required, and 3 note chords appearing 2, 3, or 4 times.

Comment Re:That's retarded (Score 1) 566

If you press any carrier in my country (Canada), they will eventually admit that when it comes down to it, they get more reports about dropped calls from iPhone users than anyone else. I have friends who have finally gotten so sick of worse reception or frequent dropped calls that even though they found various iPhones acceptable, they are moving away from Apple in the next few months.

And frankly, I wouldn't mind that $100 because I already know that my Bold 9700 gets better reception than an iPhone 4. I did extensive tests with a friend's phone one day in my basement, and with various methods of holding in exactly the same location on exactly the same number, the iPhone dropped calls WAY more often than the BlackBerry did.

Comment Re:That's retarded (Score 1) 566

Congrats, I'm glad you've never been away from power for an extended period of time in the entire time you've owned your iPhone. Whereas some people do things like travel, or hike, or camp, or what have you.

I've only drained my battery completely a few times on my blackberry, and that was due to heavy usage across multiple days of not charging my phone, but I'm STILL glad I have a user accessible battery. Why? The one time I accidentally got my phone soaking wet, I was able to pull the battery quickly, and as a result, my phone and everything in it still works perfectly fine. It also means that there's no reason for my phone manufacturer to complain that SIM cards are too big, since a regular SIM card fits great under a battery. Which makes it a hell of a lot more convenient for international travel.

And neither of those things has anything to do with "what other companies tell me." I just, on a frequent basis, encounter use scenarios across all my devices that Apple devices would easily bite the dust on.

Which of course pertains to the original article. I'm not going to buy something without any information on it from ANY company, because I know my damn use cases, and I want a tool to meet my requirements, not define my requirements.

Comment Re:Two Questions (Score 1) 295

Indeed :) Though as someone who worked as a video editor for years dealing with people who would shoot with different frame rates (not for anything important, just for stupid camp promo videos so that campers would emotionally connect with camp about the time we were trying to do registration again), I developed a knack for noticing such things. And I blame the map thing on the years spent studying for map quizzes as a history major.

Comment What point did they start timing? (Score 1) 221

Heck, my computer takes more than 12 seconds to hand over to any OS... I mean, graphics card initialization, POST, initializing 3 RAID controllers.... probably at least 15-20 seconds before the OS gets a chance... I'm pretty sure every modern OS I've tried on my machine can boot to a functional desktop on a fresh install in less time than the BIOS takes...

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