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Comment You mean? (Score 1) 330

I really don't know all those people? I was wondering what warranted my sudden rise in popularity. Well, since I have you hear, would you be interested in hearing about our online electronics store?

Comment Re:There's one problem there (Score 1) 511

This is very true for me. While I'm not suffering from the economic issues as bad as most I am still wary of spending money in areas I don't feel are "productive". Of course in gaming language, "productive" means time spent playing the game and actually getting enjoyment out of it. Fallout 3 is the most recent game I've bought new and really worth the price due to its size and depth. Other than that I look at the cheaper games that have been out for 6 months or a year. Since I don't spend every available minute gaming I have a plethora of games available at bargain basement prices. Still, I look back with nostalgia to the games I played on my C64. Sid Meier's "Pirates!", and even those games that you got halfway through and crashed due to bugs. It was a time of less fluff and more interesting experiences. Or perhaps I'm just jaded.

Comment Probable reason (Score 1) 426

I think the drop in print media is happening for the same reason President Obama had such a great run for office. Younger people are not buying print, they get their news online. Quicker and more flexible than print. Fox News is doing well because the majority of conservatives are older and find the print media to be left biased. Same with talk radio. Plus they can keep an eye out for kids on their lawn. It's interesting that the same people who catapulted a liberal into the highest office are causing the demise of their own ancestral pulpit because they no longer think of it as worthwhile.

Comment Re:I can see money! (Score 1) 848

- "I'm going to open up an Institute of Paranormal Studies in Texas" The money is out there. Or is it "The Truth is Out There." Have you not seen "MonsterQuest" on the History Channel? How about "UFO Hunters"? What about those "ghost hunter" shows on several channels? I'm sure I can find a couple institutions which offer degrees in paranormal studies.

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