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Comment Re:Gattaca is a fantastic movie (Score 0) 902

Download it now and get a glimpse of what we are getting ourselves in to. Your IP address is being sent to MPAA headquarters and you will have all of those free moving pictures confiscated. Your children will be imprinted with a RIAA-MPAA trait that will not allow them to send or receive any illegal files without terminations End of Line

Comment Re:Maybe I am just lucky.... (Score 0) 688

You are lucky because know at leat 15 people that have been laid off from all kinds of different companies. Some in the housing market, manufacturing, and just an accounts receivable job. The problem isn't that the lose of jobs, its that if anyone is out of work we are all trying to get the same jobs, which is fine because competition is great, but sometimes 2 qualified canidates are vying for 1 job. How long does that qualified canidate stay out of work. Also in retail they cut hours at the first of the year, but what that really means is you will be cutting staff and they won't be getting any severance or really any warning other than we don't have the hours. Tough times right now.

Comment Exhibitionism (Score 0, Flamebait) 904

For some reason I think that the whole nursing the child pics and such are just a form of exhibitionism. YOu can take those pics, but thats what you want to show your friends, why not loving pictures of you holding your child. People saying its natural are right, however the focus of the picture isn't on the child as it is the mother, which makes in a selfish picture and negates the reason you wanted to show the picture, which is the importance of your child. These women obviously get some sort of gratification from showing some skin and the attention.

Comment Money and time (Score 1) 507

I used to be big into console games, but I stopped because I could no longer afford to waste 50 or 60 dollars on each game I wanted, so I gave up all together. This more than anything puts games away from people knowing they have to spend at least 300 dollars or more to even start to play, and if they want to play with a friend, buy a controller if they don't have one. I am 28 now and at Christmas time I played Call of Duty- World at War on 360 with my cousins of course they kicked my butt, but I am sure if I had time at least would have been respectable.

Comment Change Laws for Sentencing not laws against drugs (Score 1) 1367

The laws that jail people who use and distribute drugs need to be changed, but changing the legalization of drugs in my personal opinion is morally wrong. The government isn't stupid and if marijuana is legalized it will be taxed like cigarettes and be insanely expensive, which I don't think that people who use marijuana would honestly be excited about. The sentencing around drug use is bad, but that is a judicial issue and has no bearing on the legalization of the drugs

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