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Comment Re:Some things never change.... (Score 1) 211

True, on our site IE (7 on up) make up 50% of our traffic and Chrome is about 15% and growing. Safari and iOS Safari (not totally the same thing) make up about another 25% and Firefox has about 15%. However like the video codecs in HTML5 where they split and you have to have video encoded 3 ways I could see MS making us web developers code 2 ways or us having 2 standards.

Comment too funny (Score 1) 251

So actually if you look at some of the patents that are flying around and being thrown at each other they actually all have been invented in some fashion or other before. I look at Palm. Palm had a phone that had icons that were laid out on the screen and auto arranged. This was one of apples claims against samsung and google. Palm had the 4 icons at the bottom of the touch screen before either of those two clowns did and the Treo was a phone with that feature first. Apple's suit over 'trade dress' is well silly. Yes Samsung is wrong in making it look so similar, but really is anyone that stupid that they would by a product from Samsung and think that it is an Apple ipad? The Samsung devices to not have the Apple logo on them anywhere. Dumb idea on Samsung's part? Yes, but Apple is going after everyone like Apple invented the smartphone and the tablet. Nokia actually had a tablet out for sale before Apple. It had rounded corners and they played with different designs. I just cannot believe Apple is doing what they are doing. They are going after the competition via law suits. This sounds just like Microsoft going after Linux years ago as well as SCO going after Linux years ago. Lots of FUD.

Comment nonsensical classes (Score 1) 504

Well those nonsensical classes will help you out if you ever want to do anything other than program. Also anyone can write code, but you really want to learn design patterns for the language that you are using as well as algorithms. Not all OOP languages use the same design patterns. JavaScript can only use a subset of Java / C++ design patterns. I find so many developers that can churn out code, but so much of it is bad and hard to maintain.

Comment a BASIC (Score 1) 783

WTF is a BASIC? It should be a BASIC Compiler or Interpreter not a BASIC. BASIC stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Which really should have been BAPSIC but they hyphenated the All Purpose.

Why would you want BASIC anyway, it is such an antiquated language, you should be asking for Ruby instead, as NOONE does BASIC as a new shop anymore.

Comment could they make it a better cable box (Score 1) 223

The cable box is here to stay. Well at least for a while and Google should really be into that anyway. The Google tv was their attempt to get Google on tv's everywhere. If they have cable boxes too, that is another way to get that access to the tv. If we are lucky they will make smaller boxes and hopefully better. Who knows, maybe they will integrate it with the "cloud" somehow. Maybe integrate it with the cable internet and if you have cable internet and cable tv you can watch your cable shows anywhere on any device. Lots of speculation here, but Motorola was just sitting on its past success and the only thing good to come from Motorola has been some of it's upper end phones. It really needs someone to fix that company.

Comment Re:Linux support (Score 1) 214

Actually netflix does run on linux, because Tivo runs linux and Tivo has netflix.

I think the issue I have with the price split / hike is it was not too long ago that I was paying 8.99 for this plan and then it went to 9.99 and the just streaming was 8.99. So they actually lowered the just streaming price, but almost doubled my original streaming plus 1 at a time plan.

Comment I have no interest in wasting any of my ... (Score 1) 913

"I have no interest in wasting any of my precious time taking classes in English, Philosophy, History, Art and the like"

Actually those are not a waste. Without English you might as well be another 'offshore programmer". English and communication classes actually differentiate good programmers from bad. It helps you understand the business and communicate with the business to help design the right solution. The idea that you can code and throw it over the wall and say I'm done no longer flies in the US like it used to. Well except for SOME startups and SOME small companies. You also need to be able to communicate with your peers. Art and History, and the like are not a waste because they actually help make you a well rounded person.

I think what you want is a certificate in computers not a CS degree or maybe you want a CS degree but don't want to do the work that goes with it.

I've meet many computer programmers that do not have college degrees and while often they are good programmers, they are often not so good at communicating and in the end, many employers don't want to hire them or after they hire them they do not like them. Even as a programmer / systems analyst sometimes need to communicate with their peers or even your manager. Often the people that are the angriest at their manager are the ones that do not understand business and economics and because they lack the communication skills are often the ones that have issues talking to their manager.

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