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Submission + - Controversial security paper nixed from Black Hat (networkworld.com)

coondoggie writes: "A presentation scheduled for Black Hat USA 2007 that promised to undermine chip-based desktop and laptop security has been suddenly withdrawn without explanation. The briefing, "TPMkit: Breaking the Legend of [Trusted Computing Group's Trusted Platform Module] and Vista (BitLocker)," promised to show how computer security based on trusted platform module (TPM) hardware could be circumvented. "We will be demonstrating how to break TPM," Nitin and Vipin Kumar said in their abstract for their talk that was posted on the Black Hat Web site but was removed overnight Monday. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2007/062707-black -hat.html"

Submission + - Nano-scrolls could be ideal for hydrogen storage

NSTipster writes: Scientists believe that rolled-up sheets of carbon could store hydrogen with unprecedented efficiency and without extremely low temperatures or high pressures. Computer simulations, performed by a team in Greece, reveal that adding impurities to rolled-up carbon sheets should improve their ability soak up hydrogen, potentially overcoming one of the biggest problems facing the hydrogen fuel economy — how to store and transport it easily and safely.

Submission + - Global warming causes political instability (foreignpolicy.com)

anti-globalism writes: "As global warming raises pressures on governments, the less-organized among them are likely to start failing in a chain reaction that calls to mind the "domino theory" without an ideological component. The article brings up the point that as they fall, they are more likely to become repressive and pointless regimes. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_i d=3865&page=4"
Hardware Hacking

Submission + - Infected quantum dots as memory devices

NSTipster writes: A story over on New Scientist Tech reveals that a new high-density type of memory could be made by attaching viruses to quantum dots. The research exploits the fact that some biological materials react to inorganic molecules. In this case, each hybrid unit can be operated as a memory device since its conductive states that can be switched between high and low, corresponding to a 1 and a 0, by applying a low voltage. In theory, this could lead to high-density storage, because each individual hybrid could be a single storage unit and millions would fit into a space just a few centimetres square.

Submission + - Businesses should ban iPhone use say IT analysts (zdnet.co.uk)

ZDOne writes: "Ahead of all the iPhone hub-bub on Friday, analyst Gartner is warning companies to be ready for staff who want to use the Apple handset for work. The advice being given is basically don't let your users bring an iPhone anywhere near your corporate network — unless you have no choice. This is interesting because it raises questions on whether Apple has any designs on the corporate mobility market with the iPhone or is it purely a consumer device?"

Submission + - Microsoft launches new low-cost PC effort in India (com.com)

jeevesbond writes: "Beginning next month, Microsoft and its partners plan to start selling the IQ PC through computer retailers, bookshops and other stores in Bangalore and Pune, with plans to sell it throughout the country by November. The company expects the machines to start selling for 21,000 Indian rupees ($513), though it hopes to bring those prices down over time."
The Media

Submission + - Talking to Scoble gets a guy fired

netbuzz writes: "An interview subject on the ScobleShow — hosted by former Microsoft blogger Robert Scoble — has been fired for talking to the press without the permission of his company's public relations department. Certainly not a first, but it does open the door for a discussion about corporate communications and the press in an era of employee blogs and calls for more transparency. Scoble says one lesson he has taken from the episode is to be sure to ask interview subjects beforehand if they've received permission to talk. He won't find many journalists following that advice — and for good reason.

http://www.networkworld.com/community/?q=node/1693 4"

Submission + - under_score or camelCase?

duncanthrax writes: under_score or camelCase?

- under_score
- camelCase
- all_Of_The_Above
- noneoftheabove
The Gimp

Submission + - Bush's New US Attorney a Criminal?

VonGorfter writes: "There's only one thing worse than sacking an honest prosecutor. That's replacing an honest prosecutor with a criminal. There was one big hoohah in Washington yesterday as House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers pulled down the pants on George Bush's firing of US Attorneys to expose a scheme to punish prosecutors who wouldn't bend to political pressure.

But the Committee missed a big one: Timothy Griffin, Karl Rove's assistant, the President's pick as US Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Griffin, according to BBC Television, was the hidden hand behind a scheme to wipe out the voting rights of 70,000 citizens prior to the 2004 election. Read the full story, "Caging Lists: Great White Republicans Take Voters Captive" in Greg Palast's Armed Madhouse: Sordid Secrets and Strange Tales from a White House Gone Wild. The new edition, with a new chapter on Theft of the Election, will be released April 24th (by Penguin/Plume in paperback).

Catch our original BBC Television story here — on Palast's brand new YouTube channel

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Data Storage

Submission + - U. of Nebraska escapes Microsoft for JasperSoft

CoolAcid writes: "University of Nebraska's data warehousing expert, Amy Stephen, reports on how they made the switch from Microsoft's MSSql and Windows NT systems to The Open Source JasperSoft, coupled with a Joomla! front-end.

"Every step further into Microsoft necessitates removing freedom. By "freedom" I'm not talking about GPL freedom, but rather about freedom to use the best and breed reporting tool (JasperSoft, in this case, coupled with a Joomla! front-end), the best operating system, the best database, etc. It may well be that Microsoft has the best fit for some (perhaps many) of these needs in a given enterprise. But the odds of it offering the best solution for every need are long indeed.

Read more here at http://weblog.infoworld.com/openresource/archives/ 2007/03/university_of_n.html"
Sun Microsystems

Submission + - Sun Opens the Source to Project Darkstar

eldavojohn writes: "Sun at the Game Developers Conference that it is open sourcing it's Java based online game Project Darkstar. From an announcement, "In conjunction with the latest release of Project Darkstar, Sun also initiated the Darkstar Playground which will allow approved developers to gain access to server resources-provided and operated by Sun-to start developing their online games. Developers interested in participating in the Darkstar Playground are encouraged to visit Sun's booth or http://www.projectdarkstar.com/ to apply and learn more about the program. The playground will be live at JavaOne '07 in May.""

Texas Bill For Open Documents 197

Ditesh Kumar tips us to a blog entry by Sam Hiser noting a bill filed in Texas that would require state agencies to conduct their work in an open document format. After Microsoft's grueling battle against ODF in Massachusetts, bluest of blue states, it must be galling to face te same fight in the reddest of the red. Hiser notes that the bill includes a rigorous and sound definition of an open document format, which ODF would meet but Microsoft's current OOXML submission would not.

Machine Gun Sentry Robot Unveiled 845

mpthompson writes "Samsung has partnered with a Korean university to develop a robotic sentry equipped with a 5.5mm machine gun. Meant for deployment along the DMZ between North and South Korea, the $200,000 robot employs sophisticated pattern recognition software for targeting humans. No three laws here, but the robot does include a speaker that can be used to politely issue a warning before taking the target out. The promotional video is both scary and funny at the same time."

Enigma-Cracking Bombe Recreated 131

toxcspdrmn writes "Volunteers at Bletchley Park have recreated a working replica of the electromechanical bombe used to crack the Germans' Enigma encryption. The bombe was designed by Polish cryptologists and refined by Alan Turing and colleagues at Bletchley Park. The replica joins a recreated electronic Colossus — generally considered the first electronic computer. Impressive work when you consider that Winston Churchill ordered the originals to be completely destroyed at the end of WWII."

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