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Comment Re:it always looked to me like... (Score 1) 474

The naming convention behind SCSI was originally intending on it to be pronounced Sexy (secsi).

I believe Steve Jobs was behind that proposed pronunciation. The properly descriptive "scuzzy" won out.

I have seen a couple of people comment that on this story, but no source for it. The linked (entirely too often in this thread now) seems to disagree. I mean it IS wikipedia so it could be wrong, but I haven't seen any better source.

Comment Re:Where is the fun? (Score 2, Insightful) 854

Yep, there's nothing more fun than being teabagged by some jerk who has no life or job so they spend 24/7 practising so they can feel their life has meaning when some wage slave logs on to go find some fun for a few hours.

Not that I disagree with you, I don't (though I think you are grossly exaggerating the scale of the problem), but I do find it somewhat ironic that a thread about how easy games have become is filled up posts like yours... discussing how games are full of people way better than themselves ;)

Comment Re:Note for world domination: encrypt serial no.'s (Score 1) 330

Doubtful. The Germans could have expanded further. Maybe they even could have taken England and made headway towards Soviet oil fields, but the odds of them defeating (eventually) nuclear armed US and USSR at the same time seems pretty far fetched. And that isn't even counting Canada, the Aussies, etc. Too much land and too many people against them.

Comment Re:App Store looks interesting... (Score 4, Insightful) 827

That is a HUGE HUGE if. I didn't see any sign they plan to stop you from downloading and installing whatever you want. All these upmodded "The Apple machine is locking down OS X!" comments are quite sad.

Sigh... I should have invested in a tin foil hat startup years ago. I probably could have retired by now!

Comment Re:Sorry Blizzard, no longer a customer (Score 1) 431

It's not voluntary on Starcraft II. You can't create multiple characters, or even ever change your one character's name.

That and every time I start the game there's my real name in bold 24 point letters and this macro-lens close up of this real ugly guy. And links to Facebook. Most of the time the game shows videos you can't turn off of cigarette smoking. Gross. Made me really not want to play it.

I returned it for a refund.

My guess is that somebody at that company is trying to turn it into a social networking business and couldn't care less about making a product their customers want. The main point of games, for many of us, is to forget the real world for a bit.

Seriously? You returned the game because it shows YOU your own name? Was it a surprise? Did you not know your own name previously? You do realize it shows no one else that information unless you tell it to. And you thought the default avatar was "ugly" and were offended by CG models of smoking? Also you lied about the Facebook bit. If you never turn it on (and I don't even know how you turn it on so it isn't in your face or anything) then you never see it.

I hate sounding like a jerk, but those reasons are really silly.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 579

Still got those OSX widgets stuck back on an invisible screen, where they're utterly useless to us... (luckily, there's Yahoo Widgets, which actually work like you'd want them to)

I disagree with that. OS X widgets are actually useful to me because of where they are kept. I hate that always clutter style on Windows or Yahoo. It is easy to bind dashboard to a keypress or a mouse corner (I do top right) and get them easily when you need them.

Comment Re:Just in time! (Score 1) 103

how does that work when few people want to play alternately? does the new campaign destroy the old one or you get to reload from saves? Either way, inconvenient.

You can still reload your old saves, they don't go anywhere. At least the local copies. I am not too sure what the 'cloud' saving does. Local copies save though.

they were spammed because it was trivial to create bunch of accounts, also blizzard never really cared about law and order on - after all when the copies are sold, money was made, why bother to police their network service. Now single account costs 60 bucks, i don't think many would try to spam and risk permaban. Another thing is you could always create your own channel, nobody forced you to sit in the public one. Now you don't get any of that, but as i said - try to organize anything with that pathetic IM.

Well that was (later) true of the original. They stopped chat gateways a while back I think. Now it is $60 sure, but I would guess that was done for later? I dunno. I didn't have any issues with it. What exactly don't you like about the chat and party system? I mostly use voice chat on it with my friends and we found it useful enough to not hop in Vent.

i stand corrected. still if i am not mistaken you don't get to store maps downloaded from permanently, so you have to get them manually from dedicated sites. And running maps from editor is not what i would call a convenience more like 'jumping through the hoops'

I am not sure about downloaded maps. I haven't got one that way yet. But either way the old SC style is the same. Thats just something you have to deal with if you go though the system which is new and optional as far as I can tell. I would have to play more than the 2 custom maps I downloaded and tried to know for sure. Hasn't been an issue for me so far though. I mean thats how most people got maps in SC1 and that seemed to work out ok.

as if database cared how it presents its data. Majority of players probably don't need it, good for them but there are some that do - all the guys who play competitively. There is no coherent info who is where on the ladder, even for diamond and platinum leagues where it really counts - these guys couldn't care less about what is their position among 100 hundred random people, they want to know the truth.

Like I said, I hope they add that for you. I didn't mean for that to sound condescending or anything. I just didn't convey that part well I guess. Blizzard has an epic history of supporting games so it could come out. I mean they were adding replays and league features into SC1 how long after release?

what? i played both and it's not like i played sc1 once 12 years ago and only have fond memories - i repeated sc1 like 5 times and i enjoyed it every single time despite its aging mechanics. I could go very deep into detail how much sc2 story sucks but i don't think you care much. Find any of 10-20 page long threads in the single player section of blizzard forums, you'll get all the info you need. The fact is that there was more substance story-wise in 10 terran missions in sc1 (which also had to introduce absolutely green players to the game) than in almost 30 in sc2 where for the half of the game you run after some artifacts with no other purpose but to get monies. Maybe you don't agree - but still proper comparison is full SC vanilla (30missions) to SC2:WoL (25-29) and here SC1 wins hands down. Both SC1 and BW had kickass ending, SC2 has deus ex machina in action which requires half an hour of sitting at 1 base to fire... and then you get cheesy cinematic. Amount of retcons and plotholes in SC2 is staggering.

I guess we were discussing different things. I took what you said to mean that you thought 1/3 of the amount of story material was in 2 that was in 1. I thought that was ridiculous because SC1 just had CG, text blurbs, and the little visual boxes with voice. SC2 had all of that along with the Wing Commanderish 'click on and "chat" with' or whatever stuff. Way more material there. Now if you didn't like it, thats an opinion thing. As far as retcon, didn't really bother me. If the game had come out 4 or even 5 years after the original it might have, but if it is an enjoyable game story I don't mind it having some changes 12 years on. You are allowed to change your overall story vision over that many years I think :p Again just an opinion.

As for the missions I think there was still more there. Sure it was a few less in numbers, but they were more difficult with the new settings. I remember the original SC being pretty easy. This time around you could tweak the difficulty level much more so that added a lot more to the missions for me. Also the achievements and challenges do add something (even if it is minimal) to do beyond the raw missions and waitings for custom content.

I didn't really see any plotholes (by video game standards) and I didn't think the ending was deus ex machina at all. If anything my complaint there was I felt it was spelled out wayyy early and it was just "Well I wonder if that is going to happen in this one or in the next Zerg expansion". I don't want to post any spoilers, but between Tygus looking at the video logs and Raynor's chats with the Specter guy I though the ending was foretold very early. If anything I felt I saw that coming too early, not it was something out of nowhere to just end the story.

Comment Re:Just in time! (Score 3, Interesting) 103

your progress on your account and on guest are separate so you'd have to start campaign from scratch

This isn't true. You can go in there and copy saves over just like you can on SC1. They are in a folder in Documents by default. It contains a Save subfolder.

- only 1 account (no separate stats or single player progress for different people using it, in fact that $60 is not per game copy, but per account, you are not allowed to share)

The stats part is true, however the single player progress bit is not. You can have more than one. Just hit new campaign.

- pathetic ways of communication (no easy to use and very social at their core chat channels, instead you get poor man's instant messenger which makes it total pita to run a clan or organize anything bigger that 2v2)

Social chat channels? They were just bots spamming for clans or (if some D1 or D2 was involved) item selling sites... The more private channels were useful for sure, but they have a party system for that now. Also how is a 3v a pita? Works just fine for me... Now a clan you might be spot on about, I wouldn't know.

- creators of custom maps pretty much hand the rights to blizzard and map distribution is solely through, pretty much no option to have custom maps on disk and play them offline, not to mention ridiculous restrictions (max 5 maps, total 20MB)

This also isn't true. You can put maps in a map folder and play them just like in SC. And you can load them for single player use or fire up the editor and launch them from there.

- hard to understand, intransparent ladder with leagues and thousands of divisions that doesn't show anything even remotely resembling global ranks so players can feel good about themselves

Eh hopefully they add this for you. I think it is a valid request even if I am not interested in it personally. However I doubt the vast majority of players need "global ranks" to "feel good about themselves" so it probably wasn't given priority over making leagues that work well for prompt and equal matchmaking.

maps are sorted by popularity and filled automatically - obscure maps are never played and players have no control over the rules and players joining

Huh? You can invite who you want and pick the map you want and change rule options.

Watered down story means you need to pay 3times to get similar amount of action (story-wise) you got from sc1 vanilla alone.

This one is just kind of ridiculous. What POSSIBLE measurement do you use to get that figure? Did it take you 30 minutes to read the little quick story panels in SC1 or something? Might want to take off those rose-tinted glasses and actually go review the Story presented in vanilla StarCraft. It is fine that you don't like SC2. You made some good points (no real LAN play is sad, though you can still play over LAN provided you have internet to auth there. and the logging in every time can be annoying. can't sell the game etc) but some of that was distorted to say the least. Personally I rather enjoyed SC2. If I had to guess I would say a good number of people ragging on StarCraft II never played it. Hence comments that just aren't true or are exaggerated like some of the stuff you had or "graphics overhaul is all it is".

Comment Re:Can't wait to see (Score 1) 702

What new measures? It is a cellphone isn't it? If anything the iPhone is bringing a more open (I don't mean in an OSS way...) world to regular phones. I mean I have an LG Dare now. You know what I can do with it that Verizon doesn't want me to? Not a damn thing. Same with my Razor before that, and my... some wretched audiovoxx, and my StarTac before that. Apple didn't invent the locked down cell phone. Would I prefer it to be more open? Sure. However, it is not some new evil Apple invention to lock down phones. And as far as phones go, the iPhone is actually decently open.

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