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Comment Re:Little help? (Score 1) 122

IntServ assumed that flows are signalled (with RSVP). The Anagram box (and the Caspian box before it) detects the first packet in a flow (by a miss in the flow cache), and then creates a flow cache entry.

The utility of this feature is very questionable, especially since routers have been able to IP forward and apply ACLs at line rate for years.

Comment Re:umm.. Not Throttleing (Score 1) 282

And they are free to ignore the QoS flags (i.e., DSCP field) that you set, or even rewrite it. That's part of the Diffserv architecture.

"Throttling" is blocking transmission even when there is available link capacity. Hopefully they will instead use some form of priority scheduling, so that delay insensitive traffic is only affected whenever a link is congested (that is basically what they say they are going to do).

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