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Comment Funtastic! (Score 4, Insightful) 915

Now will he renounce the current Catholic stance on condoms, so that perhaps we can save, oh, hundres of thousands or even millions of lives?

Will he: Disawow the insane and puerile dogma of original sin?


Comment Good one (Score 4, Interesting) 1142

Because of the laws of thermodynamics. The universe isn't a perpetual motion machine - it needs something outside itself to come into existence. Something outside of space and time - therefore something immaterial and eternal - and powerful. I'm speaking of space-time itself and even the laws of physics. Particles can't come from a void without physical laws.

So why does god get a free pass to come from nothing?

Also, if you need another reason - the anthropic principle. There are not enough sub atomic particles in the universe for there to be a life-possible planet statistically - the numbers will blow your mind if you look at them.

The anthropic principle does not mean what you think it means.

And what, exactly, is your basis for postulating that life is rare?

Anyone with an open mind will see that God is really the only rational, logical explanation.

It's not an explanation. Even if you accept it as one, you still have to explain where god came from.

I'd give your apologetics a 1 out 10. Try harder.

Comment WAT (Score 2) 140

" a method for bringing together search results from multiple places, such as a device's internal memory and the internet at large

What, you mean fucking combining fucking results from several fucking searches? That's not a fucking invention -- that's fucking obvious. Fuck.

Comment No, it's not amazing. (Score 1) 75

I didn't even watch the video, encumbered as it is, but...

No, it's not amazing foresight or any such shit... It's just fucking *lucky*.

There are a gazillion pundits predicting all kinds of things and once in a while one of them (huge surprise there!) gets it right. It how old-time stock prediction scams worked, and it's how lots of current scams work.

Comment Thanks, but... (Score 1) 133

Paywalled. Sigh :(.

It seems like you denying the existence of "rape culture". If so, you're quite wrong -- just look at how women are immediately threatened by rape if they speak up about discrimination(*) on the interwebs. The people who are making those threats are not necessarily rapists but they sure are implicitly "legitimizing" rape in the eyes of those who actually do rape. (I'm sure a lot of this is just general assholery, but it's still having the effect of legitimizing and/or trivializing rape.)

(*) There's also the frequent sniggering usage of the phrase "Pound-me In The Ass Prison" which has a similar effect. This is more of an equal-opportunity thing though it still does "legitimize" rape as a form of punishment and/or control.

Comment Re:Standard Scientology practice (Score 1) 628

Cults tend to cause great amounts of harm to people, often times leading to mental conditions that can never be repaired, suicides, rape and molestation, as well as the financial burdens placed on families and communities.

Replace "cults" with "religions" and you'd still be correct. Are we forgetting the systematic cover-ups of paedophilia in the Catholic church (nevermind the actual abuse), the fact that it's generally the poor who tithe the most and the fact that children and grown-ups(!) are actually living in real psychological terror of going to hell?

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