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Comment Re: FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY!! (Score 0) 22

But, if they DISCLOSE those OH SO USEFUL vulnerabilities, then those will become USELESS!!

How will we keep AMERICA NUMBER ONE if we sabotage our own advantage in espionage!?

We KEEP ON INSISTING that we *NEED* to install backdoors in these software stacks AT THE FACTORY, but we KEEP GETTING TOLD NO!!

**ITS SO UNFAIR!!** /s

Comment FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY!! (Score 4, Insightful) 22

(GOP Talking Head)

But But But--

(looks in mirror-- the reflection screams back)

(The shadow on the wall chips in)

(Mirror reflection screams at the shadow)

(Talking head)

Please! You're all giving me a ME-ACHE!

(All three in unison)


Comment Re:These Laws Don't Prevent Parents From Parenting (Score 4, Insightful) 159

They don't. Nobody is saying they do.

What they DO, is create a false sense of security that Timmy wont be able to access the porn, and that this means Mommy and Daddy can postpone talking to Timmy about such "Base" things as prostitution, how he should properly interact with women he is sexually interested in, the myriad reasons why he should not be actively seeking sex at such a young age, and other "Unthinkable!" concepts that parents need to start having, rather than repeating "But my BABY BOY is INNOCENT AND PURE!" ad infinitum.

But let's break these down.

1) Installing blocking software should be a last resort, really. This is the solution you should reach for when having meaningful conversations with your children FAIL. This is because the installation of this software sends a powerful, unspoken message to your child-- "I DO NOT TRUST YOU. I CONTROL YOU. I FORBID YOU ANY AUTONOMY."

Naturally, children seeking to grow in autonomy HATE that, and it will be the source of significant friction between you and your children.

If you are operating a business, or an institution that specializes in chidren (like a school), then sure-- It's in your best interests to protect yourself against the bad choices of your charges or patrons-- by all means, install the software, but PARENTS should be PARENTING first!!

2) Limiting screen time is good and healthy, and they SHOULD have been doing this since day one, in a consistent and healthy manner. Most parents dont do this, and only limit screen time PUNITIVELY. See my response about silent messages above.

3) VERY GOOD! This conversation should be open, and freeform, with nothing held back or barred. You might want to tailor your responses to things that are age appropriate, but do your best to foster this kind of dialog with your kids. You WANT them to come to you FIRST when they have questions, and you WANT to give them accurate and complete information, so that they CAN make good decisions.

4) You only get here when you have been properly parenting from the start. Expecting to get here after several years of coasting on the "But my kids are ANGELS!" mindset, when suddenly "THE DREADED PUBERTY" hits, is a non-sequitur.

Comment Re:$1 fee (more like $3-$5 to cover CC fees) (Score 2) 159

Not really.

They are debit cards. Many banks issue debit cards, and many americans with horribly bad credit, can only get their paychecks using such cards.

As such, while it is easy enough to track if such a card is prepaid or not, determining if there is a 50 year old man on the other end, or a 14 year old boy, and doing so in a way that does not dry up business, is much less feasible.

Especially when cash is involved in the purchase of such cards.

Comment Re:Let me understand this... (Score 5, Insightful) 159

It's better analogized with how netflix USED to be, and pirate media (with viruses, and other crap).

When media is simple and easy to obtain, people prefer that method to get to it, and the pirate option withers (it never actually dies, but it does significantly decline)

This was very famously documented with the initial rise of streaming services. (The current landscape has all the usual rent-seekers out looking for their pounds of flesh like the craven psychos that they are, but historically, the rise of streaming saw a PROFOUND reduction in pirate activity.)

Likewise, when you have very low barrier to legitimate purveyors of pornography, that see to actor needs and health, and that adequately take measures to ensure that all parts of their enterprise run correctly, people will prefer to get their pornography from them.

When such operators cannot actually-- OPERATE-- people wont stop wanting smut.

They will instead, seek out the purveyors or creators of porn that DO NOT do those things, and a nasty rise in sex-industry related crimes will ensue.

Comment Re:$1 fee (more like $3-$5 to cover CC fees) (Score 5, Insightful) 159

except you can get a "credit card" at the checkout line of a grocery these days.

this is no barrier at all.

The notion that you can somehow legislate away Timmy's ability to see "all that dirty smut" is as captivating as it is corrupting.

We really do need to be more forceful in telling our peers that, NO, you wont succeed in that endeavor, short of completely isolating Timmy from the world, which would do him significantly more harm than the "smut" ever would.

Own up to being fucking parents. Be more active in talking with your children. Understand that "Little Timmy" wont always stay little. If he's looking for porn, you need to eject that notion of him as "an innocent little boy" and put on your grown-up pants, and understand that the "early childhood" part of his life is past now, and you need to adapt your approach.

No amount of Jesus is going to stop that from happening.
Pretending credit cards are only things adults can get is dumb.
Pretending that you can make an effective age verification hurdle (or more accurately, that such hurdles will somehow restrict timmy from porn viewing) is dumb.
Pretending you can dictate "morality" is dumb.

Sorry folks. You actually have to TALK to your kids.

Comment Re:Nintendo does not like fan projects at all! (Score 4, Informative) 107

This is not correct. Yuzu can play unencrypted games, and that means it can play games not created by Nintendo.

There *ARE* homebrew games for the switch, that can be played on Yuzu and Ryujinx.

Here's a non-comprehensive list.

The mere existence of these games makes your statement false.

Comment Re:Not breaking the DRM, need an actual Switch (Score 2) 107

Not entirely correct.

(note, I own a 1st generation Fusee-gelee vulnerable switch, which has never touched nintendo's servers, and have extracted my own keys from it. The emulator I use likewise, is configured to disable the networking stack, so the emulated switch never talks to nintendo's servers)

What the keys REALLY do, is uniquely identify that switch, and that cartridge. The actual decryption keys still use a master signing key, and all switches are able to decode all cartridges/downloads, without pulling another cryptographic key from Nintendo.

Nintendo even made it so people without internet access, can get switch console updates, via the cartridges themselves-- If the cartridge has a minimum system version requirement, it comes with that system version's installer data packed inside it-- and updates the console to that minimum required version, before allowing the cartridge to play.

This said-- THERE ARE pirate copies of the title and prod keys out there, that are clones of a banned switch's keystore. These keys cannot talk on nintendo's servers; Nintendo has blacklisted the keys (which identify a unique console, for the purposes of software license validation, and very little else), so you cant, for instance, play Mario Kart with your friends (unless you use the LAN exploit, and a VPN tunnel).

For wholly single player games, like BotW and TotK, this is a great big nothingburger.

Nintendo's consoles *DO* phone home to the mothership about what games you have been playing (including the unique metadata collected from the console's unique key, and the game cartridge's unique key) and if Nintendo finds this phoned home data suspicious in any way, they will just ban your console, ban your Nintendo account, and tell you to pound sand. So-- ProTip-- Dont trade cartridges with lots of friends, Nintendo will consider it piracy, and ban the shit out of you and your friends.

What is the benefit of extracting and using my own keys, if I never play online anyway?

I am actually using the emulator legally. That's what. My hacked switch lets me dump my own copy of the game as well, with my own uniquely keyed dump.

No laws are really violated, other than perhaps, anticircumvention DMCA bullshit with the dump itself. Chuds like Nintendo and pals have been trying to claim that format shifting and software backups are illegal for decades now, and have been pressing the international trade unions of the world to try and engineer legislation to that effect.

Nintendo can go choke on a toxic amanita.

The only thing the unique keys do for Nintendo here, is uniquely identify consoles and game cartridges. It is not involved in the decryption in that capacity--

All switches can decrypt all Switch cartridges.

Full stop.

If you have a valid keyset-- even one that has been banned-- you can decrypt the data.

Fun fact-- Yuzu and pals can play games that have been UNENCRYPTED (as there *ARE* tools to do this!!), since this is how you play modded versions of switch games.

From an anticircumvention standpoint, the only obstacle they had in the way was the AES256 signing key stored in the bootloader checksum secure enclave of the Tegra SoC, to protect the boot process.

the Fusee-Gelee exploit rendered that moot, but skipping that process entirely, giving unfettered access to the switch before the nintendo OS can even load.

This is how you get your title keys. You use this exploit to load custom software that extracts the keys from the console's processor, which then gets saved to your microSD card.

As others have pointed out, Yuzu does *NOT* give you a set of these keys. They DO tell you how to get your unique keys out of your hacked switch-- but again, even the pirated keys (From a banned switch) will work just fine, as long as you dont try to play online, or use the e-store.

As others have rightly pointed out-- giving a means to legitimately use ones own keys to just play games in a blessed emulator anywhere, would have made Yuzu unnecessary, and been more useful generally. E-shop downloads would be transferrable, and people could play on SteamDecks legitimately. Nintendo would actually SAVE money (By not losing money on sales) this way.

However, Nintendo has a hard-on for being the warden of a panopticon, and wont allow that.

Again, *ALL* the uniqueness of the keys currently does, is allow Nintendo to notice when you lend your console to a friend, or your friend lends you a cartridge -- It's the vanguard soft-option vanguard on killing the second hand market, and the right of first sale.


Comment Re: This war will end (Score 1) 85

Damn slashdot mobile BS, replied to the wrong subthread. Sigh.

Quite correct about the proper backup containing the vulns.

This is why it takes a full day, and not 'just a few hours'.

Baseline procedure is to force recredentialling of all accounts, while obeying rules to prevent password re-use. If a technical exploit against a service was used, siloing the service, or disabling it until it can be fixed by an upstream vendor (hah!) Is required.

The latter has been known to take years to resolve.

However, siloing the process to prevent full org takeover is easy enough to implement, and SHOULD have been in effect already, if things were set up correctly.

Comment Re: This war will end (Score 1) 85

Then you are clearly not using a COW based file system, have no idea what a snapshot is, have no idea how Disaster Recovery sites/policies work, or how to effectively use those tools.

A proper backup contains the full snapshot history and metadata of your storage array. It should be possible to restore not only the last blessed state of the array, but any other snapshotted state of the array, arbitrarily, if you have a proper backup plan in place.

A proper disaster recovery implementation allows for 'immediate promotion' on demand. That is what it is FOR. Your main datacenter literally caught on fire from a failed AC unit? No problem! Failover to DR datacenter, and business 'just resumes' while you rebuild. Concurrency of the DR site with Prod happens via the policy scheduling you have in place.

This is HOW you get nine 9s of uptime reliability, and assurances of data integrity.

At worst, your virtual servers should complain about not being shut down correctly. All your LUN assignments, VMware instances, and other back end stuff, should be PART of your backups. Not just the LUNS themselves.

Comment Re:This war will end (Score 2) 85

If proper backups were performed, and proper DR policies were in place, this is about a days worth of restoration work to correct.


20TB is, as the user below points out, "Not that much" in datacenter terms. On enterprise scale SAN systems, that much data can be handled in just a few hours.

If they *DIDN'T* have proper backups, and proper DR policies were *NOT* in place, well... .... They get to be the poster child for why you need to do those things!

Comment Re:so little? (Score 2) 85

It is important to note that this is an ISP, and not a digital data warehousing operation, like say WordPress or Google or Amazon Web Services (Or Mega, or any other such large datacenter operation).

Customer information, and internal email operations data is not that big, in the greater scheme of things.

Additionally, if there is thin provisioning going on for things like virtual servers, or disk deduplication going on, then 20TB of unique data could be quite a bit more then "as seen by outside observers".

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