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Comment Re:Now thats a performance... (Score 2) 271

Panama - Van Halen

Relevant Drew Carey episode:

"Celia returns from an out-of-town trip and learns about Drew's fight with Winfred-Louder. She offers her support. The store recruits Mimi to try to drive Drew out of the house. She points blinding lights at the house and constantly blasts "Panama" by Van Halen."



Comment WDTV Live is the best! (Score 2) 420

Another happy WDTV Live user here. I have this exact model, purchased in November 2011:


Just set up a SMB or NFS share on any computer you want, and this device will play ANYTHING you can throw at it (including flv, at least in my experience). Has 100Mb ethernet, N wifi, HDMI out, optical out, USB port, and a remote.

It will talk to a "media server" if you really want it to (DLNA, etc), but I've found a simple file share is the way to go.

Comment Re:Uh, no... (Score 1) 366

Liz Warren must have missed the big bank bailouts of the early 1990s when the FSLIC was folded into the FDIC, the epic stock market crash of 1986, the inflation of the 1970s. Pretty much, we've had crashed every decade, regulation or no. Better to let people make their own decision than the government make them for them.

Comment The Problem With You Liberals (Score 1) 1146

Is, in a nutshell, that while you can rationalize banning smoking and mandate seatbelts and now health insurance, when you aren't doing it to just loot the country, and really are trying to be safe, is that, you don't recognize that we think it was your stupidity that made you need to get euthanized, aborted, or made you poor to begin with, and yet you call us dumb all the time, and we're the ones that have the money.

Once again, I'd say, sure, go ahead and do your euthanizations if you want to, but I don't need to buy health insurance when I'm young, or wear a seatbelt, and quick taxing smokes.

Liberals would never shut up enough about other people such that they would ever make that deal about government. Therefor, you have to stay alive and we don't want to pay your medical bills either.

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