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Comment Re:You're not qualified. (Score 3, Insightful) 65

Woah settle down cowboy. It's his project for his own work. If that is the worst bug you can find in his project then he's doing much better then a lot of code I've come across, even in major java frameworks.

What makes someone 'qualified' to write code for themselves? Does he need to drown in student debt? Spend years studying just to get there? Everyone started somewhere so get off your high horse and let the guy make his own mistakes.

Comment Re:"No ecosystem" (Score 1) 280

That is the only gripe I've had with it at work. Most scribbling I do is easy with a finger but sometimes more finite control, or just not having my hand in the way, would be nice. The newer, longer capacitive stylus' are suppose to be good to so I plan to place an order soon.

A larger screen would also be fantastic, another reason I'd like to move to android. The 10.1 are still very portable.

Comment Re:"No ecosystem" (Score 4, Interesting) 280

I use an iPad at work and have since it was first released in .au. The best thing it does that a notebook (this is assuming pen and paper notebook) can't is get my notes on my computer. I write once in evernote/awesome note/whatever note application and it's then everywhere I will need it. Same for using dropbox and scibbling apps. I don't have to later scan or rewrite, it's all there on my desktop/phone/laptop for whenever I need access to it.

If you're talking about a laptop, I use the iPad for the same reasons above. Plus my macbook pro is heavy and my air is too big to easily carry or use in small areas like behind the sink when I work with recipes. I also can't use my finger to simply scribble diagrams or have others scribble notes from across the table. Also having the iPad gets rid of the 'wall' between me and my clients so it's useful for body language too, something I never underestimate.

As for everyone YMMV but those are the reasons I use an iPad. Next year I'll likely change to Android as I've had enough of the walled garden.

Comment Re:"as opposed with their entire list of contacts" (Score 1) 163

Google plus is about you. Mailing lists are usually about something other then you. If you're happy to let a new friend see all of your old exploits then hey, more power to you. Some people don't. I think the boss or new girlfriend examples are good because people change and mature so she doesn't need to see what you did years ago before you moved on from being an emo teen or drunk college student to having some confidence and common sense. If you can't see this causing issues unlike a mailing list of people with similar interests and goals but next to no personal information then you need to meet more people.

Personally I don't care too much about the difference except between my personal and professional life. I have a separation because I know those I have a professional relationship don't care about my sports, holidays or activities I have planned. I use linkedin and FB for this reason but if G+ makes the separation easy then I'll drop both and move to one platform.

Comment Re:Let's Put This In Perspective (Score 2) 251

I think you'll find your definition of hacking is not what you think it is
The Free Dictionary states: To gain access to (a computer file or network) illegally or without authorization A message stored in a voicemail system is a file stored on a computer somewhere and they gained access without permission.

So what's your definition? Is it because they used such an easy to use password it's not hacking? Does that then mean brute force or the use of a dictionary or simply trying the most common passwords is not hacking? Or is it because it was a phone connecting to the network that makes it no longer hacking? Or maybe it's that they managed to gain access to her phone records without actually having possession of her phone that stops it from being hacking?

Comment Re:Too pricey. (Score 1) 395

$50/month for 5Gb? GTFO! That sounds cheap! I live in .au though.

I use 3G on my ipad all the time and you'd be surprised how little you actually use. I bought one last July, use it at work, home and on transport and almost always use 3G (I live 5km from CBD and can't get adsl at home ...) and have only just broken 6gb of data. What do you plan to use it for that will use that much data? I guess it's more intense then youtube somehow

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