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Comment Re:Why is this moderated down? (Score 3, Informative) 707

Under the Taliban regime, Sharia law was interpreted to forbid a wide variety of previously lawful activities in Afghanistan. One Taliban list of prohibitions included: pork, pig, pig oil, anything made from human hair, satellite dishes, cinematography, and equipment that produces the joy of music, pool tables, chess, masks, alcohol, tapes, computers, VCRs, television, anything that propagates sex and is full of music, wine, lobster, nail polish, firecrackers, statues, sewing catalogs, pictures, Christmas cards. They also got rid of employment, education, and sports for all women, dancing, clapping during sports events, kite flying, and characterizations of living things, no matter if they were drawings, paintings, photographs, stuffed animals, or dolls. Men had to have a fist size beard at the bottom of their chin. Conversely, they had to wear their head hair short. Men had to wear a head covering.

from ->

Comment Re:Some disadvantages as well... (Score 1) 447

Don't worry, the new cashless system will make those types of transactions much easier for you, it will all be tied into your phone or personal computer, you won't have to carry that nasty germ ridden currency around anymore. The best part is that the local, state, and federal sales tax will be automatically calculated and transferred to the government for you!

Comment Re:Interesting... (Score 2) 420

I have similar problems when someone comes into my office and starts asking me questions when I'm in a deep coding session. I see their lips moving and I hear sounds coming out, but it is as if they are speaking a foreign language. I usually have to push my chair back, shake my head, and ask them to repeat themselves.
The Military

Submission + - Terminator-Like 'Bot Moves LIke a Human (

RedEaredSlider writes: Boston Dynamics, with funding from DARPA, has built a robot that simulates human movement and looks a lot like the Terminator. But it isn't designed for hunting down enemy soldiers — it's for testing out military equipment such as chemical and biohazard suits. By moving realistically it can test the suits without needing to call for volunteers.

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
