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Comment Who's pulling the strings? (Score 1) 83

Who's to say these criminals (the Jihadis, not the banksters in this instance) are working for who they believe themselves to be? They could be working on the payroll of banksters or some shadowy government agency who want to create a 'reason' to pass legislation they can't pass without a tradegy taking place first...

Submission + - RAID vs. RAIN (

Leofcwen writes: I have recently begun studying RAID and soon came across RAIN courtesy of Wikipedia. The most obvious thing that struck me about RAIN is that it is much less dense than RAID and so to achieve the same level of storage one would need to make use of an awful lot more servers which even at 1U would take up a lot of space. Am I missing the point here or does keeping ones storage systems as dense as possible make it more efficient in terms of space and presumably power which in terms means lower carbon emissions? Does the processor power in the RAIN boxes mean one doesn't need separate servers for general processing? Who here has experience with both and what did you think about each one? Are there any open source software systems to run each system and if so, how do they compare with their commercial counterparts?

Thanks in advance,


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