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Comment Re:Let it die. (Score 2, Insightful) 554

This is true, provided that you listen to Brittney Spears and the Jonas Brothers. Otherwise, the music industry does more harm than good. They provide no tangible service in this day and age. Those who know where to look have no trouble finding artists they enjoy listening to. The record companies will always be around to provide your polished pop princesses etc, but in time they will be relegated to a niche market. True, non-label artists won't rake in the cash like they would with a major label backing them, but when they receive 90% of the profits rather than 0.003%, I don't think the artists will complain.

Comment sounds about right (Score 1) 4

you were never allowed to use that name in the first place. "youtube" is a trademark which is owned by someone other than you. having a godaddy account myself, i do recall in one of the guides, they clearly states that you can not incorporate an existing trademark into your domain name (ie makes sense to me. think of an original name this time rather than trying to borrow from other people's success.

Comment canadians unauthorized (Score 1) 232

if there IS a heightened rate of unauthorized downloading in canada, it's worth noting that shows and clips which are offered for free to US residents via streaming sites like nbc/disneys and tv networks own webpages like block canadian access to all content. that doesn't leave many alternatives for me if i want to watch a particular SNL clip etc... (the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if this is a tactic to push canadians to download in the hopes that the actual figures will approach their exaggerated figures). besides, is it really stealing when you are already giving it away?

Comment Re:Let me be the first one to say it ... (Score 1) 1870

the judge can't just rule what he believes is fair, he has to interpret the law and judge accordingly. copying a movie is illegal, just like recording a show off tv with a vcr, or recording a song off the radio. oh wait, those are legal, bad example. more like taking a picture of work of art, or photocopying a page out of a book for personal use. oh yeah.. those are legal too. i wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that every lawmaker is on the media company's payroll?

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