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Comment Re:Thank God we have Coffeescript (Score 1) 109

Dunno if I would have worded it quite that way. Probably would have left out the fucks. I probably would have gone on to say that both Ruby and Python syntax are absurd to look at and decipher if you are blessed with the gift of understanding C-like syntax. The notion that white space is syntactically crucial is ridiculous.

Nah, the Ruby/Python quirks are as numerous and odd as JS so it appears that the thesis of the parent's statement is mostly invalid.

Comment Re:You are a renegade. (Score 1) 132

Yes- I agree with you on this. JS is simple but you should always be concerned with handling data asynchro- especially with JS where one frozen or busy thread will bring the whole thing to a halt. <Ballmer>Callbacks, callbacks, callbacks</Ballmer>

And if anyone is up for some reading this series is pretty nice:

As well as 'JavaScript: The Good Parts'- Douglass Crockford

Comment Re:You are a renegade. (Score 1) 132

Uhh, I quite like how the module and 'require' patterns work in JS. <-- read: I am extolling their virtues. I am a big fan of quick and dirty object decoration as well (as long as you keep it in the closure). Webworkers do processing in other threads. And V8 has a whole debugging API.

Never have been entirely sure why people are so quick to pee all over JS. After having done Perl, Python, C# and Actionscript for corporate production as well as private there are benefits to all of them (less so Actionscript after learning how to deal with the wild nature of JS). I guess it'a all about knowing when to hold them, when to fold them and when to walk away.

Comment Re:Hydrogen is not a fuel (Score 1) 247

Well, as there is no retooling to do on motor production (hydrogen can be used in existing conventional internal combustion engines with some slight modifications) and you have stuff like this:


And there are no tons of terrifically toxic battery waste to deal with, I'd say it's cleaner than burning existing fuel (even biodiesel), generating new electric motor models and batteries and knocks off a whole set delivery and production supply chains.

Comment Re:Alarmist? (Score 1) 234

I watched aghast heavy breathed explanation of why Fukushima should be the reason to belly up to her looooong time goal of eliminating nuclear power. I was left feeling all gross and gooey after her comments. She did bring facts to bear when speaking of how dangerous cesium is and other interesting bits. But she was careful, so deliberately careful, like Donald Rumsfeld careful, about saying that any of those factiods were true about Fukushima- which they weren't/aren't. Yet she did her very best to sell it.

She is a dangerous woman.

Comment Re:why NSA hate? (Score 1) 125

They let people in the NSA look at /. Who knew?

Aside from that quip- 'the good guys' would probably want to do things in the open like the Linux community does. Sharing data and methodology and so on. I do not see a lot of that coming from the NSA. I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

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