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Comment Re:Why is Apple allowed to do things and not get s (Score 1) 584

I do really wish I could use a different browser than Safari once in a while. Especially since Safari crashes on my iPad at least 3-4 times a day

There are alternative browser options on Apple devices, including the ipad. You can find some information here, but this was just a real quick look up about firefox on ipad. Apparently there are other browsers though. Just FYI.

Comment Respect for the recently passed away.. (Score 1) 1613

I have to say I'm shocked at some posts but rather than point any fingers, I just want to say whatever anyone thinks of someone while they are living, after they die, we should all give them the respect. RIP Steve, you will be missed, by the technology world, even if there are those that don't realize it yet.. you were one of the many great innovators of today.

Comment They all have Epic fails once or twice (Score 1) 48

Of all the major corporations out there, do any of them really deserve the stone thrown at them first? I mean, at any given point in their existence, most of them have epically (sp?) failed. Apple, MS, Oracle and Google to name a few others. All of them have done something so bad as to have the whole slashdot community a-buzz about their antics. I see this as a very bad thing, yes. But I can't honestly point at any of the other big guys and say they couldn't have done the same easily, if they haven't already.

Comment Re:Seriously (Score 1) 294

I agree. Of all four of the mentioned companies, the few things that Google has done to offend their consumers has been fixed and at least in my view, they aren't just trying to "look like" the good guys but they really do walk the walk for the most part. I don't see Google as doing something here that makes them look hostile at all. IMO, I think their response to the patents is spot on.

Comment Re:Extra work required (Score 1) 244

Totally know what you mean with Spore and the piracy bit. There are all kinds of ways around paying for your game regardless of platform and it's been that way for decades! People did that since the early days. I don't condone piracy, but it's true that if they're gonna rip off the customer they're gonna end up seeing more people unwilling to pay for their games and support them.

Comment Re:Extra work required (Score 1) 244

If you are only gonna release a broken hunk of shit, why release at all?

Quality just doesn't mean a lot these days. Why do you think their video game purchasing standards would be all that different?

I disagree with regards to gaming. While I agree that standards have changed these days in our tolerance for lesser quality products, when it comes to games, gamers are surprisingly picky about what is put out, that is, at least in the area of MMO-type gaming from my experience. I have played a great number of games and if it's made crappy, is buggy or the servers have problems, I have no problem dropping the game and moving onto another one. Maybe it's different for consoles but I doubt it.

Comment Re:is it slander? (Score 1) 334

Agreed. I don't see how anyone, as a public figure, can complain about criticism at all. They chose that field of work, it comes with the territory, whether they like it or not, people ought to be able to state their opinions, outside of slanderous statements.

Comment Re:From innovation to consolidation (Score 2) 72

I don't think so at all. I think this is Google playing it smart and getting in position to make some big moves, although I can't in any way speculate on what, I'm no tech expert. But that being said, based on their latest stuff, they haven't stopped running out of ides.

Comment Re:I don't want to have to look away from the road (Score 1) 125

I agree with you on that... definitely don't think drivers need another distraction but.. otoh.. for passenger windows in the rear seating of an SUV or minivan, it might work for the entertainment purposes, like for kids. Don't know if it's a good idea but it's better than anything to do with putting that on a winshield.

Comment Re:I'm not disgruntled (Score 1) 214

I'm happy all around. Switched to streaming for $7.99. Heck we forget about the dvds we have around for months anyway. We have basic cable through our apartment complex anyway and so we're set. The stupid movie channels suck anyway and I find there are no comparable services anywhere. What is is with everyone, not wanting to pay for companies that actually do give them great stuff!?

Comment Not really a worse deal (Score 1) 722

For myself I'm not unhappy and I'm with the people that understand their move. The fact is, we've moved from watching dvds lately anyway and although we have cable movies, Netflix has just enough streaming movies and shows to fill that out. I think if you really look at this, it's a wise move as people either now or in the future will be one type of viewer or another. DVDs for some people are very important and for another, it's streaming. That's my $.02. Also we've been spoiled in having both services and truthfully with their offering streaming they've added a new cost to their infrastructure with offering constant streaming of movies on demand, which is a whole new tier IMO. I think they have the right to charge more and it remains a fact that they still have the best selection, and their streaming offerings are growing all the time so.. Ok $.03. ;) I do understand the initial feeling of price hikes of any kind given the way a lot of companies do this -- (cable companies, telephone...) but they do that without actually offering a heck of a lot more.

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