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Comment Re:Holy crap (Score 1) 365

No, the easy-peasy software developer estimation is to buy a bunch of progressively smaller CPUs, port your algorithm to each of them, and find the smallest CPU on which your algorithm still provides acceptable throughput. Then quote the number of gates on that CPU. If your algorithm still runs acceptably on a 4004, you can tell them it'll take about 2,300 transistors.

Comment Insurance is the answer (Score 1) 937

People already accept full liability for their car, despite texting, reading, snoozing, having sex, playing games or any of the other horrific distractions that far too many people engage in. So the easy answer is that people will continue to accept full liability for their vehicle, and may optionally take out additional insurance for accidents that occur while their car is in auto-drive. The incidence of accidents for auto-driven cars should be low enough that their normal insurance premium is much lower, thus additional insurance specifically for accidents that occur through automation failure plus human inattention should also be affordable.

Comment Re:GMOs feed over a billion people (Score 1) 419

Selective breeding relies on random changes to DNA. Over the past 60 years, we've accelerated the process through mutation breeding. That involves exposing plant tissues or seeds to radiation or mutagenic chemicals. Many of our most popular crop varietals have been generated this way, and are often grown and cheerfully marketed as 'organic'.

In contrast, genetically engineered plants have been modified at specific points on their DNA, incorporating known sequences of DNA that code for specific desired changes.

Which seems safer to you? A randomly scrambled DNA that, for all anyone knows, also expresses a slow cumulative poison, or a specifically modified DNA that expresses exactly the intended change with no other alterations?

The organic food industry, unable to succeed by running the race better, faster or smarter, now seeks to win by tripping the other runners. The whole anti-GMO effort is without scientific merit, and is simply a calculated money-grab by the organic food industry. Unfortunately, this shambling anti-GMO monster created by the organic food industry is now killing people by the hundreds of thousands.

Comment Re:The game is over... hopefully. (Score 1) 572

The parallel of cracking enigma and how important it was to keep that secret breaks down when you look at the value actually derived from NSA domestic spying. Sure, the NSA will say they have to keep their results hush-hush, but Snowden doesn't. Have any of the leaked documents revealed any value from all this spying whatsoever? Any damage done by these NSA revelations would be damage to an unproductive set of tools. Unlike the NSA, actual damages are accruing to US companies who are now unable to sell products or services because of their potential involvement in the NSA's unproductive toolchest.

Comment What we don't see (Score 4, Insightful) 572

What we don't see in the Snowden revelations is any scrap of value derived from the NSA's blatant power-grab. As I understand it, the essence of NSA's defense is "but...TERRORISTS!", yet they have failed to produce any results that come even close to justifying their extraordinary usurpation of power. Even if the NSA could demonstrate real value in the data they've stolen, they would still have to justify their process for taking it from us. Last I knew, the constitution does not state "the ends justify the means".

Comment Re:"frozen" configurations (Score 1) 408

Broken? I just punched their "Buy Online" link and was taken to a shopping cart that had both their $660 Enterprise version and their $45 single-user version in it. I removed the Enterprise version from my cart and it sure appeared ready to let me complete my order for the individual version. What was broken about it?

Comment Re:"frozen" configurations (Score 1) 408

Buddy of mine used to own a gaming cafe. He ran DeepFreeze on all of his computers. This allowed customers to have admin rights, so they could bring in their own games, install whatever they like, surf the seamy underbelly of the net and intentionally try to infect or sabotage the machines to their little black heart's content. All he had to do was press the reset button and the machine would return to its pristine state. With DeepFreeze on a computer, you don't even need to install antivirus software.

Submission + - Amazon testing drones for 30-minute delivery (

gregor-e writes: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos unveiled a new plan by Amazon to deliver packages to customer’s homes within 30 minutes using drones. The company claims to be ready to launch in 2015, so long as the FAA’s rules allow for them to enable air delivery.

Comment Re:Entirely Reasonable (Score 1) 371

The FDA should be required to perform some sort of cost/benefit analysis of shutting 23andMe down. I was made aware of a potentially life-threatening response I am likely to have to an antibiotic that is used outside the US. If the FDA had prevented me from discovering this, I could end up dead if I travel and am given that antibiotic. How many people will the FDA kill through this action?

Comment Re:So long (Score 1) 159

Government measures success by whether a candidate is more or less re-electable. So the product of government is a series of 'positions' their candidate appears to adopt to communicate their feelings about an issue that polls have shown is dear to the hearts of their electorate, thereby increasing their re-electability.

Business measures success by whether the owners of the company are buying or selling more or fewer shares of the company. When more people wish to be owners than sellers, the share price rises and the management of the company is free to reward themselves lavishly. When fewer people wish to be owners, the management of the company plays musical chairs and the loser must make do with exercising a pile of options to become, briefly, much more prominent owners of the company themselves.

Neither power structure is optimized for creation of overall human happiness.

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