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Comment Re:DUI, collision, no jail time? (Score 1) 761

If you get a DUI under 21, you lose your license for 6 months. If you get caught (and it's your first offense) and you're 21 or over, it amounts to losing it for about 2 weeks. Least that's the way it is in the state of Minnesota. I don't see why they don't just make it so you lose your license for 6 months regardless of your age. It's crippling in most US cities. Our public transportation sucks.

Comment Re:Silly (Score 4, Interesting) 388

I'd also like to see the stats on HFCS/sugar ratio in sodas from the 1960's to now graphed right alongside the BPA situation. Have the sodas themselves changed over time? I'd think that would have much more of an impact, along with sitting in a chair all day and eating whoppers.

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