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Comment Re:Orwellian (Score 5, Insightful) 114

Well I consider the OP a troll - see they are posting on a website dedicated to technology news against investment in technology using clearly flawed arguments.

The whole argument with Down Syndrome at the end is a classic Ignoratio elenchi. And the same argument could be made against the space program, or any major public investment.

And then using Orwell quotes against public spending, does the OP not know that Orwell was an outspoken Socialist (even moving to and fighting in the Spanish Civil War). The OP is just a classic Internet Libertarian, with a superficial understanding of what they quote - I am sure they saw V For Vendetta and now praise Guy Fawkes as a hero despite the fact he would've changed England to a theocracy under the Pope.

Comment Re:Orwellian (Score 3, Insightful) 114

I wish I had some modpoints to mod you down.

English Heritage is well worth the money, as is this research as it will be the future of broadband.

It really seems you're just trying to find something to complain about. The NHS is also well worth the money but that's another argument.

I'm sick of seeing Libertarians misquote Orwell - George Orwell was a Socialist and I am sure he would have supported national investment in technology and preserving our history.

Comment Encarta down. Now IE and Windows? (Score 1) 130

Wow, this is a (symbolic) victory for Free Software, and GNU.
Wikipedia was originally conceived as GNUpedia, then Wales made Wikipedia and it was decided to merge them onto Wikipedia.

Many people, including Eric S. Raymond, said it would fail.
But it has worked excellently. +1 for communal development.

For those interested here is Richard Stallman's original proposal which led to GNUpedia and eventually Wikipedia.

Comment Re:Free and Open Source? (Score 1) 230

A huge step forward would be getting Epic and Valve to open source Unreal Tournament and Half-life respectively as id Games has done with Quake.

The problem is it takes a lot of work to develop a game engine (and a lot of planning too). Just a few FOSS engines would help push it forward a lot.

Microsoft Shoots Own Foot In Iceland 476

David Gerard writes "The Microsoft Certified Partner model is: an MCP buys contracts from Microsoft and sells them to businesses as a three-year timed contract, payable in annual installments. Iceland's economy has collapsed, so 1500 businesses have gone bankrupt and aren't paying the fees any more. But Microsoft has told the MCPs: 'Our deal was with you, not them. Pay up.' The MCPs that don't go bankrupt in turn are moving headlong to Free Software, taking most of the country with them. (Warning: link contains strong language and vivid imagery.)"

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