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Comment Administrative costs are once again kept hidden. (Score 0) 659

I simply cannot believe how any discussion of healthcare in the U.S. carefully avoids the swelling of the ranks of MBA/MSN level workers. Medical bureaucracy in the average U.S. hospital is a constantly growing drain on the financial resources but still seen as critical as any ER nurse or surgeon. We've created a kind of entitlement system where an MBA level job in the ranks of administration is off limits when budget cutting time comes around. Much easier to agonize over the cutting of janitors or kitchen workers to make the numbers work. HIPAA is another cost on the system kept under wraps. How many jobs in the average 100+ bed hospital deal only with HIPAA compliance, generating not one dime of revenue for their organization. And letting many HIPAA violations go unrecognized and/or unpunished to boot.

Comment Re:House Republicans (Score 0) 522

That's funny, when the GOP barely won in the past, they've always immediately claimed mandates and so forth. Yet that apparently only work FOR them. Well fuck them, they don't get to arbitrarily decide when the majority votes means something. Besides, they've only won the popular vote 1 time out of the last 6. Ideally the GOP will waste away to be a footnote of craptastic corrupted idiocy in the future.

And you don't understand how the U.S. government is supposed to work. Let's examine ACA. That was passed by a majority of both houses of Congress, who in turn were elected by their citizens. The President signed it. It was upheld by the Supreme Court. Yet the GOP, the butthole of politics, tries at every step to kill or unfund it.

What EXACTLY do republitards suggest as a mechanism to running a democracy, if this MOST OBVIOUSLY constitutional method of passing and enacting laws, is apparently not good enough? Republitards don't believe in the legitimacy of government, except when they control all branches. So fuck them again, scumbags that they are.

And as for voting, yeah, lots of people don't vote. Makes us kind of hypocritical when we invade other countries for bullshit reasons, mostly having to do with beefing up profits and defense contractors that the previous VP was head of, under the theory we're bringing them freedom and democracy. Those same unassailable values that various dumbasses here don't bother to use?

+ Infinity

Comment This is nothing new at all. (Score 0) 684

I have an uncle now in his 80's who dumbed himself down in high school in the 1940's to avoid bullying. And this was in small town Midwest. Podunk USA if there ever was. This man was intelligent enough to take on the most challenging academic path there was but he didn't want to appear overly smart to his peers for fear of getting picked on and beat up. Nothing new under the sun here.

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