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Comment Re:Netflix comes through the Internet, you know? (Score 1) 443

So your argument is that you aren't going to buy a device to stream content to your TV because you don't want to jump through "hoops" to be a customer. So, which DVD did you buy that came with a free DVD player? How is buying a Roku different than buying a DVD player? If you'd rather that Netflix charged you an extra $5 a month and provided a player, than maybe you'll get somewhere. No place truly offers things for free.

Comment Re:can you NYC people answer this for me? (Score 2) 37

For me, it's kind of the convenience factor. Maybe I want to ride a bike to work but take the subway home. Maybe I'm at work and a coworker wants to grab a taxi and go out to dinner/drinking later. Being able to just rent and drop off a bike has some serious appeal to me. If I lived in NYC, I would be all over that. It beats the hell out of the mass transit system, and has some real potential.

Comment Re:Someone start a defense fund (Score 1) 955

When you let your wildest fears direct your policy, you can justify almost anything.

If we only had Jetpacks, than we could stop 9/11 attacks by sending rocket soldiers to intercept the planes! Also, if we gave the Jetpacks to everyone, if there was ever a school shooting in process, all of the kids could run outside and fly away.

In other words, I want a damn jetpack now!

Comment Re:Someone start a defense fund (Score 1) 955

On behalf of all of the suffering people in North Korea, you sir are a tool. You have just belittled the pain and suffering of millions of people. People who are held captive by their government. People who grew up in prison for the crimes of their grandparents.

To refute your point about not being able to paint your house red...Zoning laws do not cover the color of a house. Having said that, there are some people who have HOA rules that restrict the colors that can be used. If you CHOOSE to live in an area covered by a HOA, you're responsible for the rules and regulations that you are CHOOSING to agree to. If you want the freedom to paint your house red, than you can CHOOSE to live in an area that is not covered by a HOA, or go through the HOA process and attempt to have the HOA rules changed. The important point here is that it was your choice to buy a house covered by a HOA. Just like it's your choice to live in the city, state, and country that you currently live in. If I don't like the USA and it's police state aspects, I can choose to move to Sweden, Argentina, or wherever the else I choose to live.

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