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Comment Re:"Marketshare sets the standard" (Score 1) 532

You just leave off the drive-thru's cover and save yourself some money, or, if it's a necessity, you build it to 7' because I'm pretty sure that 5' can fit under that too.

Good point for sure. Just because 25% of some industry is doing things the right way, the way it should be done or the way of the future it ultimately still only means that 25% of the masses feel that way.

Obviously every browser has their issues and IE has more issues than most, but the one thing that IE still has over all the other browsers is that most every website designer, even if they use another browser, will load up their site in IE to see if it is displaying the way they want it to because they know 75% of the traffic coming to them will be IE users (unless you're Slashdot :-P)... The same reason why a fast-food business would be stupid to build a 5' cover.

The point is, aside from me speaking in generalities, I agree with you that although this new 25% on the scene is doing things more efficiently or "better" that they are still only 25%. The standard still has to go with the majority.

But, as the guy up there said, more and more people will be building separate websites and IE is making it harder for them, so they remove that difficulty from their design plans and instead just give IE users a stripped down version that takes them less time to produce.

Although you make a good point, pbhj, it kind of sounds like those that do that are cutting their nose off to spite their face. As a website owner, business owner, corporation, whatever, your job is to meet the needs of your customers.

I run a retail shop and I'm pretty sure it would not be good for me to put up a sign that says: If you're going to be a difficult customer and your transaction is not going to go exactly to plan, please don't bother making any purchase in this store. In fact, go across the street, I'm sure they'll deal with you.

...or: Cash is so 20th century. Get with the program. Not using a debit/credit card? Here, you can pick from this bin of items priced at exactly $1.00, and please have exact change, because we have none to give you.

...or even the [slightly] less abrasive: Customers running IE have access to Aisles 1-3. All other customers may peruse 4-19.

Comment Seriously? (Score 1) 224

Seriously? Is this what news has become? Alarmists are growing in numbers, it seems. TFA's title is even Game consoles 'cause skin sores' and has a PlayStation remote pictured. Now unless some chemical was used in the manufacturing of these remotes/consoles that causes this, that is such a misrepresentation... but hey, it got me to read it.

I have a theory of my own... And maybe I'll post an article and say that I discovered Clutchingson's Disease. She was just clutching onto the remote, squeezing, playing intensely, sweating, rubbing, probably getting scared (obligatory: because she's a girl) so half letting go of the remote due to being startled then grabbing again and causing herself extra rubbing/trauma.

The fact that she kept playing, in discomfort/pain, only shows that she has a bright future as a gamer and may even read this post a few years from now when she starts reading Slashdot and looks through some archives. Hi. How's your hands?

"This is an interesting discovery and one that the researchers are keen to share with other dermatologists, should they be confronted with similar, unexplained symptoms in a patient."

So, patient presents with sores on their palms. IANAD but I'm pretty sure the first thing they'd ask is "Whatcha been doing with your hands lately? Riding a bike?" and when the patient indicates they haven't been clutching onto handles the next question will be, "Well, have you been in contact with any chemicals, soaps, objects, anything out of the ordinary?" Now unless this is a male child, deformed (somehow), ya know "down there," and recently has become curious and is embarrassed to admit it, I'm pretty sure any other person, even a child, would be able to realize what they have been doing that has been out of the ordinary. I guess this is why they call it Idle... really shouldn't even be here, but, is. Worked out today, for me.

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