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Comment It won't work. (Score 1) 248

I have seen how people act about their phones. They have the attitude of "from my cold dead hands" of an NRA freak mixed equally with the behaviors of a meth addict. They can sue until the cows come home, but the cat has gotten out of carrier. You won't be able to put it back in. Android phones (or the like) will go underground like drugs. All the enforcement (patent or otherwise) won't change that. It would only become a question of how to get them over the border.

Comment Simple answer (Score 1) 766

Here's the simplest and best answer, and it worked for me. Not all Linux distro's work equally on different machines. If they did, there would be a need for so many specialty ones. Just download a variety live boots (that install) and try them out. In general, if they work from live boot, they will work when installed. BTW, my autistic daughter really resisted Linux when it was installed on her netbook (a step needed when Windows trashed itself just updating), but after a couple of weeks grumbling she really likes it now. So, expect some complaints anyways. Better yet, why not get these people involved in the selection process?

Comment Re:We're learning more and more about math anxiety (Score 1) 210

Taking this from personal experience: The reason "elementary" teachers can't teach math effectively is because they don't know it themselves. I have teacher candidates that barely pass a basic skills test in math. You know, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. That sort of stuff.

Comment Re:Isn't it obvious ? (Score 1) 210

I wonder where the belief came from that says you need a talent for something to be able to do it at all. It is like this:

I don't do fishing. I don't have a talent for it. I tried it once because someone made me. I just sat there and waited and waited and I didn't catch a fish. I just don't understand fish. Besides, I don't even like fish. I am a beef person living in a vast prairie, I won't ever need to fish in future. Why should I learn to do it? If I had to fish for any reason, I'd would just hire someone to do it. Someone like a fish-geek. I never understood those people. They are not very social, always alone, by themselves in a boat. I don't even understand what they are saying. They are always talking bait, lures, and the "one that got away," whatever that is.

Now, replace fish with: tying shoes, riding a bicycle, reading, math, thinking anything. Math is not something you need any talent for, no more having a talent for parenthood. And if your for real, everybody sucks at that from the start. It ain't stopped people from having babies. Saying you suck at something is an excuse to avoid doing it.

Comment I am a teacher, so here goes (Score 1) 590

I've been reading through.... It is amazing how people who have had the experience of being taught are experts on how to do the teaching.

Here's reality. Yes, there are companies that sell canned units with lesson plans. These are generally forced down teacher's throats in spite of the fact that they should have known better.

Good teachers match the lesson plans to the students which are different from year to year, class to class, day to day, depending one which way the wind is blowing or whether the moon is full. Canned lessons cannot possibly cover that.

Of the teachers who actually write lesson plans (and very few do after a couple of years), most write their lesson plans at home. This is where food, drink, restrooms, and UNDISTURBED time happens. Even then, they have to keep in mind that these lesson plans will not survive an encounter with students or states changing the standards, yet one more time. Lesson plans also occur because someone (a bean counter) requires them, but the teacher doesn't actually use them. Most lesson plans are an outline so that the teacher doesn't forget something. It's like lecture notes, but without the lecture part.

Teachers (for-real teachers) don't get 9 months on and 3 months off. They usually work year around, at nights, weekends, and are on call any other time. Average pay is one thing, but starting pay is another. Most are required to take an additional year or more of coursework at their own expense while being payed Sure, teachers write lesson plans and sell them. They also write educational software. Many teachers take on second jobs like flipping burgers, retail sells, and college level teaching. I knew a teacher once who stripped for additional income. Are the schools going to lay claim to that? One could ask, why do teachers put up with it? They don't have to.

Yes, there are bad teachers out there, more than you would think. Most did not start out that way. Most were made by the same system that keeps them employed, and it isn't unions. Obama talks about connecting teacher pay with student success. Great idea! Now, teachers will be less willing to deal with difficult students. You know, the students that need good teachers the most. All the time, politicians talk about parents, students, teachers, and administrators are part of the problem and the solution, but efforts are always directed at the teachers and schools. They often talk about graduation rates, like getting more warm bodies through the system is the problem. They are only peripherally concerned that any content was actually learned.

By the way, I teach in a rural school with high minority rates (97%) and overcrowding. Having parents involved is great, but right now I could use a little less outside help thank you. I don't go to your job and tell you how to do it. I don't require you to re-certify on a regular basis to keep your job (at your expense). I don't tell you what you can say, do, wear, or hang out with to keep your job. I don't redefine what your job every few years. (Like somehow, children have changed that much over the last 5 centuries.) I don't expect you to work many free hours outside of your job environment. I don't expect you to take your work home at all. Don't expect me to satisfy any of your expectations that I don't expect of you.

Comment A Linux Noob weighs in... (Score 1) 891

I've been using Linux as my primary OS for about a month. I took the advise (in numerous articles and tried many distro's. I will admit that I am still getting used to the way things work in Linux. Just the same.... My impression is that many (not all) examples of FOSS software lack the "polish" that much of the propriatary software has. Now I keep in mind that this is also true of many Windows products, and I have replaced much of that software with better stuff over my experience with Windows (sometimes with FOSS software). I have plenty to say about my experience, thus far, but it does not pertain to the question asked. I think that the UI is a larger part of the less polished impression. What I mean by "polished" is the UI, documentation, features (or lack of), and the overall usability...

Comment Re:back in my day (Score 2, Interesting) 785

I have been teaching in a high school for 2 years now. I totally agree, but cell phones are just part of it. Now, they have internet access, cameras, games, show movies, and tons of music to entertain (or deafen) students. The new thing this year was to direct dial the phone in my room. I ended up taking it off the hook. I've gotten to confiscating them. The first time for the class period. The second time the parent has to pick the cell phone up to get it back. As for lawyers, every student has to sign a rules agreement that specifies that cell phones are not allowed and will be taken if brought on campus. (doesn't help much) Our school was overcrowded for a while (3300+ students). Rules are seriously hard to enforce. Plus we had the added bonus of the school being 79% minority with most parents being non-English speakers. Drugs, guns, gangs, and dropouts are a bigger problem, so the admin doesn't take cells phones and music players as serious an issue. Now, the people who don't actually DO the work are talking about merit pay? How about combat pay?

Comment Re:back in my day (Score 1) 785

In order to turn things around we need to get rid of the G.E.D. and let kids know that if they drop out they will live in poverty and follow that up by demonstrating that we are more than willing to toss kids out of school. That may sound cruel but it could stop the current loss of lives and futures that now are consequences of a broken educational system.

As long as people with a HS diploma get paid the same minimum wage as those who drop out, it won't make a difference.

Comment The Argument is Seriously Flawed (Score 1) 677

I agree with a few things stated, but...... just because you have experienced something does not make you an expert on it.

On the other hand, he wrote an essay/article based upon his reasoned judgments about subject he was taught poorly by people

that didn't know anything about it while claiming that this education provided no means of making the argument he just made.

If you only knew what really happens in the classrooms today.....

Comment Re:get rid of shitty teachers (Score 1) 373

I'm not sure how helping doctors turned into crapping on teachers and how they do their jobs. When children are not learning, everybody likes to blame someone for it. Teacher's unions have nothing to do with how a teacher teaches. They just keep the public from railroading teachers every time someone is not happy about something in education. The problems with education have nothing to do with teachers, unions, funding, or any of that. The biggest problems are: 1. The current cultural belief that being ignorant and stupid is OK and possibly entertaining. 2. That all society's ills, that have nothing to do with education, can be cured at schools. 3. That somehow teachers can educate students that don't want it or don't show up to class. 4. That homogeneously mixing children is going to improve the education of low performers by mixing them high performers, and is not a detriment to both. 5. That everybody who has experienced the educational system is an expert on how to teach in it. (a big one for me) 6. That teachers or unions have any control on how or what they teach. 7. That someone is to blame for a crappy child's behavior. 8. That children raising children makes for responsible parents. 9. That every child is entitled to good outcome even if they didn't work for it or deserve it. 10. When parents learn that schools are not a free baby sitting service. 11. That not every person who graduates from high school wants to go to college. 12. That the country should actually decide the purpose of education, besides college prep. 13. Don't move a child onto the next grade or educational level after failing so that their self esteem will not be damaged. It only makes matters worse. 14. Give up the idea that teachers are not your child's parents, psychologists, or entertainers. 15. That some people actually believe that EVERY child can be educated to the level of college readiness in exactly a proscribed amount of time and methodology. Assuming of course that all children can be educated to that level. **Shall I go on?** EVERYBODY loves to blame teachers and unions for all the crap in education, because they don't want to admit to their contribution to it. The detriment to education comes from the outside, not from within.

Comment Re:it is true (Score 1) 580

You mean that the ads with Jerry and Bill didn't clue you in? Seriously, MS is in a dynastic cycle (like the US). They are passing from their golden age into the age of famine and corruption that will break down into civil unrest. Eventually a new dynasty will rise from the ashes (Linux possibly?). MS is like IBM in a way. A self importance pervaded and colored their decisions. At one time, they mandated the standards until it became too hard for the public to accept. The big blue faded away as the foreign invasion swept away the masses by superior force. In other words, MS will screw with their customers to the point where their disgust will drive them to anything else.

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