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Comment Fast, or big? (Score 1) 367

I understand what is being asked here, but shouldn't the correct phrasing be something like "How much throughput do you have?" or "What's your bandwidth?". Packet speed, which is what I hear when someone asks me how "fast" my internet connection is, has nothing to do with how many bits you can transfer in a given second.

Comment Re:Best care money can buy helps (Score 1) 495

I would never say it sucks. Actually, Tricare seems to cover stuff that my old ins. company never would have, plus I'm not required to get a referral from a primary care if I want to go straight to a specialist. Your military friends may be talking about how the military immediate care clinic/hospital sucks because it absolutely does. I was on active duty once and needed to see a doc. for a simple cold and I ended up waiting in the post-clinic for 7 hours. 7 HOURS!! That's fucking insane....but I never saw a bill and they cover everything.

Comment Re:Best care money can buy helps (Score 2) 495

I've not had a ton of experience with the government supplied healthcare (other than what I get through the military, which is GREAT) so I never understand why people poo-poo the medical here. My wife had to get on Medicare because I lost my job and she was pregnant and NEEDED some type of coverage. The biggest change in how we were dealt with came from the doctors who seemingly looked down on us for having to have the "poor-peoples'" care. From what I understand that's only because Medicare has a lower reimbursement rate for procedures than some other private plans. So, less $ for the doctors means a lower level of care, even though they are really not supposed to do that...but it still was not "horrible"; we received medication, office visits and the c-section birth of our daughter went pretty smoothly. What am I missing?

Comment Re:So they are uploading the movie? (Score 1) 284

I think what spaceplanesfan was saying is that there's no really guarantee that you're going to be able to block your actions on the Internet. Yes you can use measures such as Peerblock and the like, but if some industry stooge wants to see what you are doing then there's really no way around it. Especially if they have enough clout to call your ISP with official credentials and get a data stream capture of your session. Unless you're using a SSL (not even then in some cases) and have uploading turned off, then MAYBE they won't be able to get anywhere.

Comment Multiple Solutions is Best (Score 1) 499

I would recommend mixing the media types because you really can't rely on just one solution. I personally would go with a media server with a few 2TB drives and then an Internet-based solution like Carbonite. They offer unlimited storage, but you are limited to one computer and can only backup items on internal drive space (hence the media server with internal HDDs). Carbonite doesn't allow you to delete from your computer but keep a copy on their service (not longer than a month, anyways), which is why I say you should have a few 2TB drives.

Comment Re:Money NOT well spent. (Score 3, Insightful) 116

Imagine if all the money spent on sending handfuls of people into space was spent on health care education here on Earth?

Seems to me that spending money on something that will eventually contribute to the over-population of the planet while NOT spending money on ways to get off this rock, would be the definition of counter-productive.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
