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Comment Makes perfect sense to me. (Score 1) 589

Liberals typically pander to the "underdog." I wish all you *nix pansies would stop crying. Boohoo... noone like my operating system. That's because it doesn't make sense to commit resources to such a small close minded market share. I think it's time to stop crying and realize that noone cares about *nix home users. Why would I use open source when I can develop 95% of what I need to do with .Net faster than on OSS. It makes perfect business sense to use .Net... bottom line people. Silly open source, at least you have someone to blame when shit doesn't work.... youself.

Comment Why UNIX? (Score 1) 1095

Kids want to do something that is cool. IMHO Silverlight is the fastest and best way to do it. Yeah it's not UNIX but who cares. I'm pretty happy that I grew out of my UNIX phase. I make a lot more money with dot net. Mainly because it boosts development performance and efficiency. Why force him into UNIX because of some lingering ideals peddled by your college instructors.

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