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Comment Art vs. Construction (Score 1) 477

The proponents of the two sides of this "argument" seem to me to be artists and constructionists. In software, art is what happens at a hacker conference or at a startup BEFORE the investors start poking around. Construction (including architecture and source control and coding standards and design patterns et. al.) is what happens at a medium to large company that takes huge amounts of skilled workers to build something that can then be charged for in copious amounts and which will then make investors rich. In short, hacking vs. coding. Both have a place in the world. Neither should be influenced by the other. The big problem with software is that the former usually morphs into the later rather than being a completely separate effort which should include none of the original source material and none of the original players. And finally, a good hacker is NEVER a good coder, and a bad coder is often NOT a gifted hacker, but someone who shouldn't be doing either type of work.

Comment Just one more way the world is changing... (Score 1) 390

The one thing that is completely missed by the judge is that the death of corporate news is a Good Thing! (tm) Big companies and the people who pay them off and/or own them have been telling us "what is going on" for far too long. As the big news wires die off they will be replaced by a much more difficult to control/exploit wiki-type news reported/edited by people who were there and don't have some corporate/political axe to grind. News is dead. Long live the news. jp

Comment What a bunch of Archie Bunkers! (Score 1) 442

People are all just people. I'm embarrassed to be a part of a group apparently so stupid that this point needs to be made. Patriotism and hatred of all things outside one's own country are merely tools that the elite use to control the actions of their own populace and make them do their bidding. We are all just passengers on the same ball of dirt. Open your eyes and stop letting the sheep herders herd you like, well, a herd of stupid sheep!

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