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Comment Re:Phenotipyc variance (Score 1) 204

big eyes, long fingers,big hips, small breasts etc will start to be pinpointed to a single gene, protein or step malfunctioning

Those things are a "malfunction"?

(But not your small dick, right? That's 'normal'...)

To be fair, he never said anything about those demonstrated traits being exhibited by a female of the species. I'd be disconcerted to have small breasts as a male... and possibly excited.

Comment Re:Not too shocking. (Score 1) 245

Women on the other hand, are getting pregnant no matter what, unless they very ugly or genetically unable.

Tell that to any number of childless couples, I'm sure the'll love hearing your philosophy (end sarcasm). Not to mention that the problem may lay on the male side, women without children aren't necessarily childless because of something wrong with *them*.

Comment Re:How does it compare? (Score 5, Informative) 245

I'm assuming (hoping) that your post was sarcastic in nature. My point was that the summary doesn't appear to match the article. The summary implies that less women are invited due to sexism, the article indicates that less women accept the invites and then provides a theory of why that's the case.

Comment How does it compare? (Score 4, Insightful) 245

The researchers also found that women were underrepresented at the 2011 congress because men accepted invitations more often than women.

So it's not an ingrained sexism on the behalf of the congress, but according to the next quote based on biological differences:

The most demanding phase of a career in Biology, when it is important to communicate one’s findings, and to build networks with other scientists, coincides with the age at which women's fertility starts to decline, meaning it is their last chance to have a family - unlike men.

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