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Comment Re:91? They must have some good-ass healthcare. (Score 1, Troll) 218

I'd like to think that most of those people have no idea who or what they're voting for. They just think either "My daddy always voted republican cuz he was a real 'merican", or "My church told me that guy is a secret muslim", or some other such nonsense. Then they just repeat whatever Limbaugh says.

I'm not saying there aren't Dem's that aren't the same way, but my experience lately has been mostly ridiculous misinformation on the republican side.

Comment What about changing it around a little? (Score 1) 74

Why not use copyright a different way to achieve a goal of openness, and still bring in some cash? Have all the articles free to read. Charge money to cite the articles in other academic papers. You'd have to invest in lawyers to go after people that try to screw you (plagiarizing without citation), but everyone gets to read and learn, it creates a barrier to entry for crap papers that mean nothing, and you can keep it cheap enough to not have it be a huge burden on actual researchers.I'm not a copyright lawyer...I don't know that this would work, but it's a decent idea, I think.

Comment Re:You Tell Me If You're Too Old; What Is Your Goa (Score 1) 418

Heres a question, if .NET is so great, why isnt 99% of the windows GUI and desktop + IE + non speed critical code written all in C# ? Didnt MS abort converting 90% of the OS to .NET ?

Different tools for different projects. C# is not normally used for speed critical stuff, because it's interpreted. IE was written before C# was a thing: rewriting it is not cost effective (at least not yet). Stop being a hater. Seriously, it's just a language. Just a set of libraries. Works the same way as most other C-type languages.

Comment Re:You Tell Me If You're Too Old; What Is Your Goa (Score 1) 418

It's not like .NET 2.0 is that much different than the current .NET 4 stuff. In fact, .NET 4 is just an add-on. I never understood why people get so freaked out. It's just a library. Google is available. Just get yourself into a project that uses new technology, (or push your current one forward, if possible), and learn by doing.

Comment Re:Stats Fail (Score 1) 259

C could conceivably be "Time". Earthquakes have happened those areas more regularly because of some event (someone previously mentioned the Indonesian quake which shook everything up), which also correlates with higher amounts of fracking purely by coincidence. Note that I don't know enough about the subject to make any sort of conclusion, but there you are.

Comment Re:Teaching? (Score 4, Insightful) 64

I'm just going to put this out there: you're wrong. A good lecture should produce students who want to learn more about the subjects on their own. Not because they have to to pass your class, but because they want to because you made the subject interesting. If you're not doing that, but rather just telling the kids all they need to know to pass your test, it's not a good lecture, it's a good study session.

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