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Comment Re:Making Science and *Engineering* Relevant (Score 1) 899

And even engineering has a very small glamor:effort ratio. Here's the giant problem. The cutting edge of science is wildly exciting. Are kids in school going to be doing anything cutting edge? No. In order to get there, you better have a PHD, preferably more than one. Play baseball, and you can be a child prodigy. You can kick ass doing something people already care about through hard work and lots of practice. Work hard at science and what do you get? Unless you are postgrad, nothing. And that's not nothing in terms of fame, we could fake that and come up with all sorts of ideas, compititions, games. But you get nothing in terms of doing something new and interesting and relevant. Who cares if you can map a genome, it's been done. And unless you are the best of the best, a degree in most sciences is a ticket to grunt work of the most boring sort. So the question really is, how can you make knowledge more popular than superstition and ignorance? Abstract knowledge... that will likely never be used by an individual after their schooling ends.

Comment Re:Dead End, mostly. (Score 1) 150

Ya, where are the level/skill/grind free MMORPGs? Is it impossible to have fun playing a game unless there are lowbies wandering around to gank? Do we need to see our character get a little tougher over and over until they finally are 'done' and we can start playing? RTS, first person shooters, and many other games don't have that, or it's very limited. There's no reason at all someone could not make an rpg game that's fun without levels/skill increases. It's all about content then.

Comment Re:Is anyone else tired of PKD's drivel? (Score 1) 117

actually, everything he has written. As I said, he's an entertaining author much like Ray Bradbury, Frank Herbert, Larry Niven, and other small-minded buffoons. And there were far too few of those when I was growing up for me to pass them by. I used to hunt down old analogue magazines just to read the good old stuff. Speaking of authors of whom I've read every word, Rodger Zelazny needs a hell of a lot more movie time. 9 princes in amber, jack of shadows, changeling trilogy, and damn near all of his scifi stories (man, This Immortal! Lord of Light!) ... wow, if there is a more unexploited scifi moneymaker than him I'd be shocked.

Comment Is anyone else tired of PKD's drivel? (Score 0, Flamebait) 117

I know, he's an entertaining writer. But his ideas are about as interesting as the ramblings of a stoned college freshman-philosophy major. Is the sort of drunken, glassy-eyed speculation presented to us in his movies, the Matrix, Gattica, etc really the best that can sold in a movie? What about some of John Barne's work, or Ian M Banks, or Robert Forward, or Vernor Vinge, or Neil Stephenson... where thoughtful authors weave fantastic tales?

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