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Comment Spectrum not overcrowded, mismanged (Score 4, Interesting) 147

I did my MS thesis on wideband spectrum sensing (just about everything under 2.2 GHz). Turns out the spectrum isn't actually overcrowded, it's underutilized, especially over 500 MHz. Look at some papers by the Shared Spectrum Company This is common misperception and it's the result of FCC policies (that they're working on changing). The underlying problem is that institutions that have spectrum allocated for them now actually need it, just not most of time.

Comment Customize (Score 1) 253

You can write a script to SSH to each machine, copy whatever you need then wipe it. Wiping the machine remotely is the problem, there's a good article from Linux Journal by Kyle Rankin that describes a good way to do this. It's pretty recent (maybe two months ago), I haven't been able to find it on their website.

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