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Comment Speaking of "Drone" (Score 1) 370

Each pilot sits in a small room with a rack full of gear wheezing away all day? Eech. This is why I don't move my desk into an IDF closet.

I remember hearing an interview on NPR not more than a few weeks ago which raised this exact issue, and in which it was brushed aside as utterly impossible, of course... "We have AIR GAPS, nothing can cross the air gaps!" Or something to that effect. I think they were talking about the video interception at the time. Meanwhile, they could ask Pfc Manning about how much information crosses the vaunted air gaps in military networks.

Comment Fix yourself first (Score 1) 393

Rather than adapting every device you touch, maybe you should look at why you need to do this.

In fact, you've decided that the telephone way is "right" and that every computer keyboard is "wrong". Since you only interact with a couple of phones, probably, might it not be easier to change them than it is to change every computer, TI calculator, keypad, etc? Shouldn't be too hard to write an "inverted dialer" app for whatever phone you have.

I fly on a numeric keypad, I can also dial my phone fast. The reason for that is that these are two devices that do two different things. I don't seem to have any spatial memory issues since you interact with them in different contexts.

tldr; YIKES!

Comment Re:Out of their minds? (Score 1) 240

That'd be a neat trick. I'd love to have the contacts, email and texting apps again. The overall UX of the Pre was really pretty slick though too. Maybe the rumors are true about HTC considering just buying it outright. If they do, I'm positive you'll see "hack WebOS onto an existing Evo 4G" start popping up pretty soon after they launch a phone with WebOS.

Comment Re:Out of their minds? (Score 1) 240

The main thing that bugs me really is the busted ass HTC clock/alarm clock app. Since it syncs time based on, my best guess, a keyword search on the city name of the network egress point it sees you coming from, they seem to tend to end up in the wrong timezones every now and then. That's pretty convenient. Oh, and when using an AirRave it thinks I'm in Red Hook, NY. I'm guessing it /means/ Red Hook, NJ, which is still nowhere near where I live.

Aside from that, adding hackers keyboard, K9 Mail and TextSecure seems to add most of what I need. The UI fluff that Palm did really well is missed, but not essential. Plus, on the palm I couldn't easily set up an SSH tunnel and then VNC over it to firewalled machines. I just stumbled across that and it's a huge point in the HTC column. However, certificate management was hugely easier on the Pre.

Comment Re:Out of their minds? (Score 1) 240

Have you ever used a WebOS phone? It really is what I wish Android was. The UI is very polished. The Cards paradigm is the best way to switch tasks and I was looking forward to the Pre3 for further improvements. When it became apparent the Pre3 wasn't going to Sprint, I got an HTC Evo 4G (Two actually), and while it's definitely usable, Android is nowhere near the user experience of WebOS. Palm's mail app and contacts app hands down beat anything I've used on Android or iPhones.

It's a good OS, and Palm put a lot of resources toward UX. It struck a great balance between the dumbed-downedness of the iPhone and the power of Android. I wish they hadn't shot themselves in the face with their underpowered devices, annoying their development community and the too-ethereal-for-you creepy TV ads.

Comment Re:Question (Score 3, Informative) 351

The point of stenography is to write very fast in abbreviated form, using a set of glyphs that enable you to write very quickly in terrible chicken scratch that no one other than a trained secretary can read and which drives mortals straight past drink to heroin, also called shorthand. Stenograhpy also refers to typing quickly on a special keyboard, in order to capture as much spoken dialog as possible in-line. Often seen in courtrooms.

The point of steganography is to obscure data within other innocuous data. This is where you hide your secret missile codes in photos of cats you post on Flickr.

Comment They don't cancel other boring shows (Score 1) 602

Granted I might have been expecting too much from Caprica, but I was watching to see the Big Steel Monster Destroy All Humans hour. It has been laborious to say the least, but I kept watching because I really wanted to try to care about the religious politics of a made up colony.

However, SyFy still shows Stargate SG-1. A show that, unlike Atlantis with its arrays of guns and cool explosions, seems to just show meetings about ... the religious politics of a made up galaxy. And meetings alluding to the fact that at one time in the past, or perhaps some point in the future, cool explosions from arrays of awesome guns are/were a part of the show.
First Person Shooters (Games)

Berlin Wall 'Death Strip' Game Sparks Outrage In Germany 193

gzipped_tar writes "According to Spiegel Online, 'A new computer game where players assume the roles of border guards and shoot people trying to escape from communist East Germany has unleashed a storm of controversy in Germany. The game's creator says he wanted to teach young people about history, but he has been accused of glorifying violence. ... The name of the multi-player FPS game, 1,378 (kilometers), was inspired by the length of the border between East and West Germany. ... [Players] choose between the roles of the border guards or would-be escapees: the escapee only has one goal — to get over the wall, but the border guard has more options, and can shoot or capture the escapee. He can also swap sides and try to clamber over the border defenses himself.' By choosing to play the border guard and kill the escapee, the player would win an in-game medal from the government of East Germany. But then the guard would time-travel forward to the year 2000, where he would have to stand trial. Jens Stober, 23, designed the game as a media art student at the University of Design, Media and Arts in Karlsruhe. He said that his intention was to teach young people about German history."

Comment Re:Konqueror and Webkit? (Score 1) 302

Instead of "Integration" I should have said "Implementation", by which I mean "Rendered like shit" when selected as the renderer in Konqueror. You could set WebKit as the default engine, but a lot of things rendered badly. Looking at the front page of /., it would render all the nicely rounded corners on the story bumpers as straight diagonal lines, for instance. They were still messed up as of the 4.5 update two days ago, but differently so.

It's not a matter of WebKit integration into KDE, but more WebKit implementation in QT. For instance Arora had the same rendering issues though I haven't used it in a while.

Safari, Chrome and Palm all render this kind of stuff just fine, so I'd say it's a QT/WebKit issue. Sorry for being imprecise.

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