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Comment And the failed attempt (Score 3, Informative) 193

An Oregon man named Bill Carlton settled in for a marathon session in 2004, which ended in failure when his machine broke down after 27 hours of play. He had scored more than 15 million points, placing him 15th in the record books.

Oh dear lord - and I thought it was bad when my mouse packed in half way through a CS match!

Submission + - A plan B for Windows 7 1

An anonymous reader writes: I provided on-site IT services to small firms in my area and I got a very good question from a customer: If Microsoft will no longer support Windows XP, and they are unwilling to upgrade to Vista, what will they have to do? I reassured them that Windows 7 hasn't been fully evaluated yet, so there was still room for hope. (Next week I am going to introduce them to my Debian 5 machine and judge their reaction.)

So my question for you is simple: What backup plans are you and your organization(s) considering should Windows 7 be dud?

Comment Re:Sorry but have to agree.... (Score 1) 823

Wow, this sounds suspiciously like the post above from dalesc. And wow, you're user id # are only four apart. And wow the posts are only a minute apart.

I thought it was your Dad that had 400 instances of viruses, now its your brother!?!? I'm so confused.

Rock on Linux Fanboy.

Nice work Miss Marple but thats an epic fail if ever I've seen one :)

Comment Sorry but have to agree.... (Score 2, Interesting) 823

...with all the comments about not using Windows. I know the original question was how to setup Windows but why pay to give yourself lots of extra work? If the person does not know much about computers there will be no learning curve from Windows to Linux, no need to make sure firewalls/AV are updated, even if you do use AV for Linux it can be updated silently and emails sent to the grand kid admin :)

My brother used windows for years and eventually after he phoned complaining about lots of pop up pr0n (Which he didnt mind at first....sigh) and finding over 400 occurrences of various virii I installed Ubuntu. There was the initial "Where's this/where's that" but once he got familiar with the main menu he was sorted. Now I hardly ever hear from him...

Comment Re:One big annoyance with the show (Score 1) 64

It's not that difficult to have a quick release tripod mount on the bottom of your camera. It can stay on while you're in the vehicle and holding the camera and be attached to the tripod in seconds once you're outside and taping.

It would make things much more easy on the eyes not to mention you can pick out more details with a stable shot than one moving about.

Yes, it is a bit more cumbersome to haul out the tripod, pop the legs open, mount the camera and start filming, but it would make things more enjoyable to watch.

If it's a bit blowy would the camera not still shake? I imagine even putting all your body weight on it to stop it blowing away would still cause it to shake.

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