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Submission + - "How Facebook Was Founded" and EMail Hacking (businessinsider.com)

PK Tech Guy writes: Nicholas Carlson of Business Insider.com has a story on the lawsuit filed against Marc Zuckerberg by 3 Harvard seniors for theft and fraud over the creation of Facebook. Skipping to the end, Carlson posits:
"Bottom line, we haven't seen anything that makes us think that, whatever Mark did to the Harvard Connection folks, it was worth more than the $65 million they received in the lawsuit settlement. In fact, this seems like a huge sum of money considering that the entire dispute took place over two months in 2004 and that, in the six years since, Mark has built Facebook into a massive global enterprise."

Then Carlson drops an interesting bit about Zuckerberg and hacking:
"that said, in the course of our investigation, we also uncovered two additional anecdotes about Mark's behavior in Facebook's early days that are more troubling. These episodes — an apparent hacking into the email accounts of Harvard Crimson editors using data obtained from Facebook logins, as well as a later hacking into ConnectU — are described in detail here"(links below)



The Best Game Engines 113

SlappingOysters writes "IGN has taken a look at the most impressive middleware solutions for the next generation of gaming, giving a detailed analysis of which engines are performing the best and which have the most exciting futures. It runs through the technical strengths of each engine, as well as how that translates into actual gameplay. It also runs through which software has and will be using each engine."

Comment Missing Forest for the Trees? (Score 5, Informative) 124

from the CNET article "Last year, hackers took control of FAA critical network servers and could have shut them down, which would have seriously disrupted the agency's mission-support network, the report said"

"However, Brown dismissed the notion that hackers could get access to critical air traffic control operational systems."

It's OK everybody, the hacker's have shut down the network but they havent gained any critical access.

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