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Comment Re:So Many Questions (Score 1) 303

Miegakure's fourth dimension looks to be another spatial dimension. From what I read/watched about it, you can swap the fourth dimension with one of the other "horizontal" dimensions. Notice the green grass world is replaced by slices of a few worlds, and the ring is placed in the desert world slice, then the dimensions are swapped so it is simply a desert world, and the process is reversed to get back to the grass world.

I've heard that adding multiple time dimensions helps simplify things in some fields, and it causes some interesting effects. Try googling "hypertime." How could multiple time dimensions be implemented in a game? Are spatial and temporal dimensions "swappable" like is done with 2 spatial dimensions miegakure? I can see using a time dimension as a spatial dimension, but the reverse doesn't seem too useful to me at the moment. Hmm, I may need to start my own crazy dimension swapping game. It would be kinda fun walking forward and backward through time, ignoring the arrow of time completely until it is returned to a temporal dimension.

Out of curiosity, what other {important, useful, interesting} categories of dimensions could there be besides spatial and temporal?

Comment Re:Ironic (Score 1) 2424

Similarly, it was the "right to choose" people that removed the choices for others over what they do with their bodies.

Now what's stopping people from waiting until they get sick, then changing to an expensive insurance plan, then going back to the cheap one once they've drained the system enough to get better? Seems like the politicians have set up another domino like they did when they "encouraged" banks to give sub-prime mortgages/loans. There was a reason they were called "risky."

Yes, changes need to be made, but why does it need to be sweeping reform and not incremental reform done with case studies in specific areas? We need sustainable change, not sweeping emotionally-charged change that results in government-propped-up systems.

Why should we force people to be charitable through laws? Natoma Canfield qualified for the hospital's charity after all. We should encourage people to be charitable, but not force them.

This verge's on "taxation without representation," doesn't it? Is it too much to ask that our representatives represent us?

Why do we feed this entitlement mentality? The 12.7 trillion dollar deficit is nothing compared to the responsibility deficit in this country. We need to revive the work ethic this country was founded upon. We do not have the right to be happy, we have the right to pursue happiness.

Alright, time to stop wasting time at work...

Comment Re:China Sounds Perfectly Reasonable (Score 1) 533

You're saying is that there's corporate level equivalents to the unofficial 'white person' sales tax? Shocker...

Then again, we can't really blame them for their patriotism. It would be nice if Americans would buy a few more American products out of patriotism than buy the lead/melamine coated products coming out of China.

Maybe we should follow their example and engage in espionage and sabotage. Perhaps we could go and mess with Toyotas to make the gas pedal malfunction and so the car won't stop. That surely will hurt their market share. Wait...what was that... never mind, seems someone beat me to it.

Comment Re:A super calculator (Score 1) 269

Ahh, Logo in elementary school. That brings back memories.

I remember writing some code to draw and color the U.S. flag. It used nested FOR loops which my teacher had never considered the possibility of (or just didn't think it was supported). Yeah, the code we were given never got very complex.

Once after a class exercise, a group of students made minor changes to the supplied code, and they were quite proud of themselves when I admitted that I hadn't written that specific script before them.

Comment Re:and do you have a better idea? (Score 1) 366

I didn't say all of those were bad, though more restraint in the drafting of such would help dramatically. So much is simply wasted. Why couldn't they give people enough time to read the bills before voting on them? "Haste makes waste."

The sheer quantity and frequency is simply not sustainable, and do have us "borrowing against the future"... which is all I really pointed out in my first post.

Does everything need to be phrased as a false dichotomy? Join the gray middle.

How much are the stimulus packages helping anyway? The unemployment numbers seem to be going down, but a couple sources I've seen (can't remember from where) attribute that to people giving up looking for work (e.g., still a net job loss).

Comment Re:what a moron (Score 1) 366

the roaring twenties was borrowing against the future, the bubble collapsed, and we suffered, horribly, for a decade


Sorta like we're doing now, huh? (TARP, various bailouts, stimulus bills, "Jobs" bill, *increased government deficit spending, increased debt limit, etc)

2000: -0.2 trillion
2001: -0.1 trillion
2002: 0.2 trillion
2003: 0.4 trillion
2004: 0.4 trillion
2005: 0.3 trillion
2006: 0.2 trillion
2007: 0.2 trillion
2008: 0.5 trillion
2009: 1.4 trillion
2010: 1.6 trillion
2011: 1.3 trillion

Perhaps this recession is the small crash before the big one (like the early 1920s before the great depression).

Comment Re:SC2 = Star Control II (Score 1) 182

Agreed. I see yuubuu also warship that game. *Sad* *lonely* *bubbles* that don't agree that it is a great game make *happy campers* *frumple*. How can you not like a game with "rat-babes galore?"

So, who do you think would win in a battle between an army of dnyarri and an army of hypnotoads? Or are they the same creature?

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