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Comment What about complex sites though? (Score 1) 90

So, this is all well and good for really simple sites but what about larger, more complex sites that require server-side processing of data that, as I understand it, will only be available unencrypted to the client? Does this mean you need to expose your business logic on the client-side? This does not seem very secure to me no matter what promises they make about being able to detect client-side tampering...

Also, with regards to "searchable encryption", can this be applied to real search tools like Solr or ElasticSearch?

Comment Re:PyPy (Score 1) 196

I suppose I should add that with the adoption of STM PyPy will be essentially removing the GIL, something people have been asking to be done for a very long time...

Comment PyPy (Score 1) 196

I am personally more interested in the PyPy release that will bring transactional memory.

The project I work on right now is proudly PyPy compatible and I hope to keep it so :-)

Comment Re:Blame the victim... (Score 2) 374

The train that was robbed was travelling from Cape Town to Bellville via Monte Vista and was a late train running between 6pm and 7pm.

This robbery happened in 2008 and occurred during the same time period as the Xenophobia Riots that happened that year.

The robbery did not make the news, probably because no one was killed and only one person was injured, a man on the same carriage as me who tried to prevent the thugs from stealing his laptop.

You're welcome to call me a liar but the event in question happened and shortly after it did there was a huge up-surge in the number of train guards posted by Metrorail.

Comment Blame the victim... (Score 2) 374

I love all these replies placing the onus of the of blame on me and calling me dumb for having my phone stolen...

As fun as it is for you to call me dumb and a moron for having been robbed, it's not really helpful either.

And for the folks saying that I must be "doing something wrong" to have 3 phones stolen in the last 12 years:

My last phone theft happening when the train I was on was robbed by a gang of men moving from carriage to carriage threatening people at knife point. Please illustrate to me what I could have "done right" in that scenario...

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