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Comment Re:Seems like a way to discourage work (Score 1) 27

If you have been around for any length of time you would know that the reason bug sharing with open source groups became a thing is that without a concern about exposure software companies seldom patched things.

This created opportunities for people to develop reputations based on the quality of their finds and eventually created the proof needed to develope things such as well established open source intelligence and companies that specialized in coordinating bug bounty programs, and decentralized pen testing groups.

If you cut off the ability to share with anyone but the vendor who created the bug and the government all the rest of it fails.

Comment Seems like a way to discourage work (Score 2) 27

Why put you efforts toward finding vulnerabilities if you do not think that you can either profit from it or tell anyone about it?

Sure some may find interest in handing everything over to the government or keeping all your findings to yourself in a personal collection, but it is quite likely that neither will go far in paying your bills.

Comment Laughing Gas or Laughing? (Score 1) 90

I could imagine that the laughter that could come with the gas could lift one's mood.

If one could trigger giddiness and laughter in depressed people without the gas would you get a similar result? What if you brought in depressed people who were ticklish and ticked them with feathers, would they have similar results?

Comment Re:will they sue speedometer maker? (Score 1) 215

It is not known, at least not be the courts.

Snap does not announce what the “achievements” are. I gather that this is part of the gameaficaction factor designed to keep people engaged.

From what has been published, Snap has yet to confirm nor deny if this or a similar “achievement“ exist. It now that the case is allowed to move forward, I suspect it will come out in the discovery phase.

Comment Re:This is a stupid ruling (Score 1) 215

The people who were in the car speeding and using Snap are dead. That seems like some level of responsibility was been taken.

The families want a hearing to look into some of the factors that led to their deaths. Perhaps changes can be made that might make it a bit less likely for others to suffer similar fates in the future.

Comment business based in part on the stupidity of users (Score 4, Insightful) 215

I do not know if there is an “achievement” for a posted filter image above 100 mph or not, but it makes sense that companies that are built in part on the stupidity of their users should be in part responsible when this stupidity has consequences.

If nothing else, the speed filter that recorded/noted speeds on public roads well in excess of legal limits was not a good idea. Which should allow the case to be heard by the court.

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