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Comment little rationality exist in short term market (Score 1) 209

It should come as no surprise that markets often function (esp on the short term) based on rumor, gossip, mood swings vice reacting to actual intrinsic value of a company or a sector. Hence focusing on a form of media that specializes in the superficial is likely a reasonable decision for someone wanting to play a short term game.

Comment Re:Audit? - Hell no (Score 4, Insightful) 519

My guess is that if you let them in the door you will be screwed.

Keep in mind that while they like to act as if they are a government / law enforcement agency they are merely a private party that is hoping that people will be impressed enough with their act to hand over enough information to hand themselves.

Comment Re:(from article) "eagerly awaited"? (Score 1) 403

Forget the bubbles or whatever they are playing with at the moment, it is highly unlikely that this will make the next generation of Windows. There will be an impressive list of technology that is going to be on the include list for the next OS. As we get closer most everything that gets anyone interested will be removed (DB based files system anyone?) and then we will eventually have the new windows that few will clamor for. It will sell well because it is simply on every generic PC that someone can buy at a box store.

Perhaps when it hits the streets it might be enough to get some companies to get around to installing Win7, then again maybe not.

In the end next to no one is eagerly awaiting the next Windows OS.

Comment Re:1st Amendment (Score 1) 329

Other then 'Martha Stewart' has several lines of products spread over multiple categories which are sold across the nation (perhaps elsewhere, I do not know, as I really do not give a hoot). Sarah Palin produces noting other then sounds bites many of which are cringe inducing.

Comment Re:The Cube-Dweller Culture Had This Coming (Score 1) 610

Back when I was in the Crops, we also had 30 days per year. But if I were to take time off that including a weekend I was docked 'off days' for those weekend days as well as the weekdays, making the value of 30 days less then what it would seem to most people. On the bright side I was deemed mission critical and the vast majority of my leave request were denied. Once I got over 60 days, they started dumping my 'excess' leave time. Fortunately I was able to get the time restored by showing that I had requested leave that was not granted. This allowed for a longer period of time for terminal leave...

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Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Warhol
