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Comment Re:Never understood the appeal of password manager (Score 1) 47

I too use Keepass for Linux, Windows and Android. The URL sync is already built-in so I use OwnCloud server that I run at home and sync with that with a key file that I keep locally and a password. I use OwnCloud's application password to keep it separate from my own account. Yes I already have SSL enabled on OwnCloud server. Syncing is pretty fast or use URL direct to open the file.

I don't trust password managers entirely in the cloud.

Comment Flash drive? (Score 1) 76

Why the fancy name of Microchip? I can bet it's just a regular 32 GB MicroSD flash drive. Like the ones we use in our cell phones. SanDisk did say their flash drives are Water proof, shock proof, x-ray proof and temperature proof. What, temperature proof? You mean the sun? lol

Comment Re:But...it can never replace gasoline. (Score 1) 123

Yep. It will happen in a few years. Gas isn't going to be around forever and China is now the biggest consumer so it will be a matter of time before gas shortages and prices going up. By then for those with electric cars will be happy.

My next car is going to be all electric so hopefully soon they will get this into production.


Ubisoft DRM Causing More Problems 279

Joe Helfrich writes "Ubisoft's Settlers 7 servers have been causing problems for over a week for users worldwide, and Australian gamers are hardly able to connect at all. 'The problem reportedly strikes after the game has already confirmed an active Internet connection, and prevents the user from playing even the single-player campaign, returning the error "server not available." But they are available, because other people are logged into them and merrily playing away.' Wonder how they're going to describe this one as an attack."

High Fructose Corn Syrup Causes Bigger Weight Gain In Rats 542

krou writes "In an experiment conducted by a Princeton University team, 'Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same.' Long-term consumption also 'led to abnormal increases in body fat, especially in the abdomen, and a rise in circulating blood fats called triglycerides.' Psychology professor Bart Hoebel commented that 'When rats are drinking high-fructose corn syrup at levels well below those in soda pop, they're becoming obese — every single one, across the board. Even when rats are fed a high-fat diet, you don't see this; they don't all gain extra weight.'"

Comment I am in the same boat too with these things (Score 4, Insightful) 727

I too have to wear one and it's ungodly expensive. My argument is the fact I need them to have a normal life and work. So if people can get glasses for fairly low price and it's a item that people need then why can't insurance companies provide coverage too? Reason for that it's very specialized market and expensive.

Don't get one of those cheapie $49.95 hearing aids from the ads as they do not provide the proper specs to the type of hearing loss you have. In fact it'll make your hearing worse. It'll be like listening to iPod all day long.

See if they can offer a payment plan.

Good luck.

Input Devices

Why Are Digital Hearing Aids So Expensive? 727

sglines writes "Over the last couple of years I've been slowly getting deaf. Too much loud rock and roll I suppose. After flubbing a couple of job interviews because I couldn't understand my inquisitors, I had a hearing test which confirmed what I already knew: I'm deaf. So I tried on a set of behind-the-ear hearing aids. Wow, my keyboard makes clacks as I type and my wife doesn't mumble to herself. Then I asked how much: $3,700 for the pair. Hey, I'm unemployed. The cheapest digital hearing aids they had were $1,200 each. If you look at the specs they are not very impressive. A digital hearing aid has a low-power A-to-D converter. Output consists of D-to-A conversion with volume passing through an equalizer that inversely matches your hearing loss. Most hearing loss, mine included, is frequency dependent, so an equalizer does wonders. The 'cheap' hearing aids had only four channels while the high-end one had twelve. My 1970 amplifier had more than that. I suppose they have some kind of noise reduction circuitry, too, but that's pretty much it. So my question is this: when I can get a very good netbook computer for under $400 why do I need to pay $1,200 per ear for a hearing aid? Alternatives would be welcome."

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