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Comment Re:Ask yourself one thing. (Score 1) 747

And you know, some of us in management like when people stand up to us. I don't know everything, and never will, nor do I want to. That's why I hired you (I hope). If I have to dictate everything to you and you bow to my every whim, (a) you're more worthless than your interview hinted at, and (b) you're never going to get anywhere.


Note to others: The above comment is evidence that not all management types are clueless authoritarian blowhards. You can have a better life and a better boss if you look for it.

Comment Re:Ask yourself one thing. (Score 4, Insightful) 747

Ugh. I've seen this comment (more or less) all over this thread and I just have to say: Why are so many of you living with such FEAR of your management? It can't be healthy! Lighten up, people! How can you even work for your management if you can't even think of them as *humans* who might like a joke as much as the next guy? Geesh. </rant>

Comment Re:Uneasy (Score 1) 591

You're missing out on what makes Firefly shine if you stopped watching before the end of Train Job (assuming you watched in network TV order rather than the intended order - as the real pilot wasn't aired first and the Train Job episode was literally written last minute to appease clueless network execs). They even explain (perhaps a bit indirectly) why a lot of that western-ish feel is there on the border planets. Within it's own universe, it makes sense. There's also the heavy Chinese cultural influences all over as well - but if you didn't even finish the first episode, you probably didn't get to that stuff. Bummer.

Comment Re:Uh oh (Score 1) 591

Did you miss the obvious Anakin Skywalker moment at the very start of the new trailer? I suspect that's what the OP was actually referring to with that quip.. :)

Comment Re:Obama's sense of responsability (Score 1) 1912

Which is especially easy if you lie about how you'll finance your campaign, and then take in huge amounts of private cash after going back on your word.

I'm confused by this. I admit I haven't looked into or really cared about this particular issue. My limited understanding is he said he might(?) take public funds.. then didn't. How is this bad? Aren't the public funds from, say, my tax dollars? By not using them, it seems he saved me some money. What am I missing about this?

He made plenty of mistakes in his campaign - but they were completely sugar-coated by most of the news outlets.

Like...? You're talking to someone who wants to believe Obama is the right guy. You can't just drop unsubstantiated bombs like that. I have no idea what you're talking about as I and other Obama supporters have been largely blinded by self-induced faith in him... :p

The guy hasn't held a press conference in a month and a half.

What would you have asked him? What did you want to know that wasn't already out there? When did Palin last have a real one? I heard she was notoriously hard to get interviews with. (And for good reason from what I can tell - she sucks at them.)

See coming? They produced it for him!

Not at first. At first it was all Hillary - and he managed to win the nomination in spite of that.

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