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Comment Re:I have one sure way (Score 1) 368

So you're saying that an "American" is somehow intrinsically better then a Mexican, and should have more rights under the eyes of the law? That one group of people is better and more deserving over another, and that it would be right to take what others have to benefit this group through State action? That it's a good idea to steal from the worlds poor so that the worlds rich can keep up it's inflated expectations? Wow, just Wow. You are a danger to every person on this planet.

Comment Re:cancel the h1bs (Score 1) 368

Sure the program is flawed but your statement that it is indentured servitude serves no one. I am sick and tired of listening to people talk about how we need to "help" immigrants or H1-B's by enacting policy that is almost entirely designed to enrich the entrenched interest. If the people in the H1-B program think it's a good deal then who are you to tell them otherwise? Oh thats right an over entitled American who is following the latest trend of making daddy government cover his ass.

Comment Re:Paperwork (Score 1) 368

Uh you can do that, you just have to keep it on the down low and pay cash. Post an add on craigslist. In the economy right now there are lots of people willing to take on a part-time side job for cash.

Comment Re:There are other things first. (Score 3, Informative) 368

Yep, government regulations to restrict supply work out so well in other industries.

Ask your self, what advantage is it immigrants have over native workers? lower cost right, and why is that? because they are willing to consume less. Why don't you give up all the things I know you think you deserve.

Hauled in from over seas you say? more like risks life and limb to get here. You're right though, FORCE companies to pay immigrants the same as everyone else and they will no longer be hired. just like when minimum wage goes up the first to be fired are minorities. It's bad to have the Goobernment create wage structures to isolate certain groups the state deems undesirable.

They are not "Slaves" they are people who practice the right to sell their labor, they just can keep overhead lower than you. And they don't "steal" your jobs, they are more valuable at the price they are selling themselves for than others, meaning they are a net value. As a person starting out, I know full well the Labor laws aren't designed to benefit up and comers, but the entrenched interests who have the money. I've worked alongside immigrants while sharing a studio doing the same work as someone 20 years my senior who gets higher pay because his wage is grandfathered in. I'm sorry you have an overinflated sense of entitlement, but it isn't the state's job to enforce it. By hook or by crook were going to take what you have.

Thats Just on the supply side too, don't even talk about the loss to consumers that raising prices arbitrarily would have, or the fact that businesses that can't use labor here will be more tempted to go over there.

If you pay attention to facts your "Ideas" are little more than nationalist discrimination that will not benefit society, so that a few overpaid workers can ride the gravy train thanks to uncle Sam. Your plan would create jobs for citizens, by stealing them from the poor and paying for them at the expense of society in general.

Comment Re:If Sarbanes-Oxley isn't working (Score 1) 368

Sounds to me like a problem with limited liability. Get caught lying to drive up stock price, cashout then and drive the company into the ground? well your fired, but we're still under contract to give you a bonus of $60m, and can't prosecute. How about we arrest people for fraud? That would probably go a long way in giving investors confidence : you fuck me I nail your ass to the wall! not: you fuck me and you might not get all of your golden parachute.

Comment Re:Dear God (Score 1) 211

Was that supposed to be sarcastic? cause it just sounded kind of dumb. I live very comfortably in a nation with the capacity to destroy the earth. It's this capacity that has brought us the longest era of peace in the history of Earth. I guess you think it was better when nations engaged in wholesale slaughter with tanks, bombs and guns, rather than live in peace under the threat of nuclear annihilation? If their was no bomb do you really think the USSR would have been content with just eastern Europe?

Comment Re:but (Score 1) 211

Of course mass starvation is still very fresh in the minds of the Chines, never mind the fact that they were caused, like the starvation in many parts of Africa, by failed government policies.

There is plenty of growing capacity on earth, the only reason that supply will not meet demand is because of market manipulations by the governments like what is happening in Zimbabwe. The Oil bogyman doesn't really work, worst case scenario they will go to coal gasification and let the developed nations cry about global warming.

Comment Re:yeah great idea. (Score 1) 898

Yes, because someone smoking pot or passing a bad check is a danger to society and must be confined with hardened criminals for several years. Exposing them to sexual and physical abuse, depriving his son of a father, institutionalizing his mind, and depriving society of any beneficial production on his part while spending tons to house him is somehow beneficial to society. The US system isn't about rehabilitation, or benefiting society.

You make a nice abstract picture, one I can't disagree with, but the facts of the US system don't really align with what you say. The US system is broke.

Comment Re:yeah great idea. (Score 1) 898

Yes, yes I can. I lived next to a cop. Let me assure you in their eyes you are guilty utile your Jew lawyer gets you out on a technicality. Thats a paraphrase. Cops *know* the people they arrest are scum, and treat them as such. I've yet to see any police action that proves me wrong. How about I take a page from their book, why don't you show me proof that they don't?

Comment Re:Oh No! (Score 1) 338

This has not only homogenized the media, but it has also put the power of controlling how the public perceives the world into the hands of a select few.

however, with the advent of the web, we're starting to see a resurgence in independent news sources. this along with web search technology has made it easier than ever for individuals to access a wide/diverse range of media sources large and small

You hit the nail on the head with those two points. News papers are declining for the same reason the auto makers are hurting, they put out a shit product. News is News, it still cost the same to gather in the information age as it did in the steam age. Its the value added that makes the profit. Newspapers thought they could streamline their operations and roll them into one ball. It didn't work and people stopped buying.

Now they point the finger at the web. It's all bullshit. Doom and gloom bloggers get a hardon when they pretend they are more relevant than they are by pointing at stories like this, and CEO's who ran their company into the ground get a scapegoat.

The 10tn gorilla is add revenue.

Seems most small papers aren't doing to bad, nor is USA today which has some solid reporting despite its rep. Solid reporting is solid and will likely continue to be solvent. What they need is add revenue based less on hype and more on actual logic. I just did an Alexa search and my hometown of 300k people's newspaper's website had more reach than /.. Though that says more about /. then my paper.

Comment Re:yeah great idea. (Score 1) 898

Yep, best way to solve the problem of kids acting out against authority is take away their rights, I mean "Privileges". While were at it, lets make it a crime for kids to be out after dark, more than 5 miles from their home without a permit, and to assemble in groups of more than 3. I think it could be the best thing for America to foster a strong nation is to instill in the young at an early age that they are a bitch of the state.

Lets not worry about kids who have to work. They shouldn't be doing that in the first place, yep they should just stay inside and be forced to go to school behind razor wire with teachers who get paid regardless of how they perform. Force them to go through years of schooling so that they get out of college at 24 knowing less than they did when they got in, unthinking trained monkeys that are great at popping out widgets and living on debt, worthless to society. Yes Me Must Protect the Children.

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