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Comment Re:Book size (Score 2) 102

It's not your imagination - Japanese is more syllable-heavy than English. According to the paper, there are something like 7000 different syllable sounds in English (although some are much more rarely used than others) while there are a mere (as if 600-some odd a small number) 643 in Japanese. Stands to reason that you'll need more syllables in Japanese to convey the same information.

Comment Re:Why would you assume this is steady state now? (Score 1) 408

Serious question for you - why would you assume the earth would settle at CO2 levels we have now? Since the rise is artificial, once the CO2 is absorbed back into the system, and human output decreases over time (inevitable given the uptake in alternative energy), WHY would you, or how could you assume the CO2 levels today are anywhere near a steady state?

Fair question, and perhaps I shouldn't, but not really for the reasons you're pointing at. A better assumption (barring large scale CO2 removal efforts) would have steady state (for purposes of human time spans) be higher than where we are now, into mostly uncharted territory (> 5My).

Indeed a rise of 2C of warming means lots more flourishing plant life around the globe. Guess what plants absorb from the atmosphere...

Yes, thank you for pointing that out. /s

While I too agree that CO2 will likely be absorbed back into the system, even the sharpest drops in CO2 concentration in NOAA ice core data have a drop of ~100 PPM over 10,000-20,000 years, longer than our written history. That's not a time scale that allows us as a species to do little about it. We're going to be dealing with this one way or the other. The only question is how much it's going to cost.

Comment Re:Thus demonstrating CO2 alone is not warming (Score 1, Interesting) 408

This is yet another demonstration that CO2 by itself is not causing much warming.

Serious question: Why do you think so?

The rapid rise in atmospheric CO2 in the past ~150 years is essentially an impulse to what is admittedly a complex system. The "demonstration" is that system at something much more closely resembling steady state. So while this "demonstration" isn't a smoking gun of what will happen, but a suggestion of what is possible once the system settles (since I'm not sure we have a comparison of solar output, etc). But it's certainly not evidence that CO2 "isn't causing much warming". Seems to me you have a simplistic picture on how quickly the system would respond to a boost in CO2.

Comment Re:The USPS can be VERY profitable (Score 1) 188

3. Eliminate the`requirement to fully prefund employee retirement health benefits - You do realize the Post Office is actually a privately owned company which just has a continual contract, right? This is one corporation you don't want screwing people out of their benefits once they retire. They should have the same protection as police officers and firemen do. (Wait...*looks at latest news about Chicago*...maybe I should rephrase that.)

Both you and the parent don't understand the exact nature of the prefunding problem. Congress has been requiring the USPS to prefund the next 75 years worth of benefits over a ten year period. That means they have to "fully fund" benefits for decades of employees they don't even have yet, over a far shorter period than is remotely reasonable.

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