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Comment Socialism isn't the problem. "Crony" is. (Score 2, Insightful) 247

The Nordic countries have socialism. It works well for them.

Venezuela had crony socialism, where the wealth of the state was distributed to elites, with the poor getting enough "bread and circuses" to keep them quelled for a while. It did *not* work well for them in the end. The problem wasn't the "socialism" part, it was the "crony" part.

The USA has crony capitalism. This is more stable than crony socialism, but I suspect the endgame may be similar once the federal debt becomes too large to finance and they have to inflate it away.

Comment You should be able to buy shrooms at the grocery (Score 1) 118

My 40 year old brother died suddenly last year, and sent me into a spiral of depression. Grief just overwhelmed me, and literally nothing made me happy.

In desperation, I tried microdosing shrooms, and they made such an amazing difference literally within hours. 1.5 years later and I'm functional and mostly normal now.

Psilocybin is literally a life-changing compound. Adults should be allowed to purchase it legally in this country, both because of established scientific evidence about it's safety, cursory scientific evidence about it's efficacy, and because "mah freedoms".

That we can't, is a sign that this country is either a corporatocracy or an idiocracy, and I'm honestly not sure which anymore.

Comment UFO's are real, but... (Score 1) 441

...They aren't likely to be aliens. It's most likely one of Uncle Sam's new "silver bullet" planes/drones that are being tested against our conventional fighters to see how they evade detection/intercept.

Though given how resurgent Russia has acted the past few years, it's not out of the question that it's *their* silver bullet. The recent spate of UFO observations is roughly correlated with the recent resurgence in antagonism from Russia. And our military wouldn't like admitting that they could overfly our country at will. So they'd have incentive to call it a "UFO" instead of "Russian jet flying over US territory that we can't intercept", just to avoid seeming powerless.

Comment How about custom compiles that remove audio/video? (Score 1) 103

I was sitting in a meeting with my laptop reading CNN, when a video busted out and I did the Walk of Shame to take my laptop outside.

I have multiple adblocks, multiple autoplay blocks, have twiddled with Chrome settings multiple times to block autoplay, with zero long-term success since asshole advertisers are determined that you *WILL* watch this fucking video, no matter what.

A killer feature for Chrome/Firefox would be "the ability to be compiled without any audio/video support of *any* kind whatsoever", That would quickly be my browser of choice in fact.

Comment Not paying for that... (Score 2) 343

I like Star Wars and Marvel movies. So I buy them, rip them, and stream them at home on my Plex machine. Why would I pay Disney on a ongoing basis to stream media when I can instead pay once and do it myself?

Netflix's big competition isn't Disney or Warners. It's HD Fab and the $2 movie table at the local used book store. That, and the "Kanopy" and "Hoopla" apps, which give me access to a lot of streaming movies, documentaries, TV shows, etc., and only costs $10 a year for a library card.

Comment It's either 10 mm or Spectre/Meltdown (Score 1) 307

This is a face-saving (for Intel, not him) way of ushering him to the door without encouraging stockholders to pay more attention to how the company is performing.

That he was replaced with a finance guy instead a techie doesn't bode well, and suggests Moore's law is about to slow down even further (due to economics as much as physics).

Comment I work in Nashville... (Score 5, Informative) 173

The city is largely bending over backwards to try to help Google Fiber. The problem is our state legislature, which is flaming red and never misses an opportunity to fellate AT&T for more bribes, sorry, "campaign contributions". Our legislature has never seen a broadband bill favoring AT&T that they didn't like, nor a broadband bill helping Google or municipalities/utilities that they wouldn't go out of their way to squash.

The people living in cities are being held political hostage by the people in rural areas who voted (R) without thinking. I'd imagine Kansas is in a similar predicament.

Comment Income, not jobs... (Score 4, Insightful) 314

I don't care if a robot takes my job, but I *do* care if a robot takes my salary. I would imagine most folks feel similarly.

There will either be some sort of basic income or some other redistribution to the people left salary-less, or in another decade there will be social strife that makes today look positively quaint by comparison.

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