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Comment Somebody Somewhere, please torrent this.. (Score 1) 170

Someone someplace must have access to get a copy of this DVD and slap it out on BT for all to see. Sounds crazy, but it does make a lot of sense in the context of some of the risks of being fully out. I am one of the "strange" on here that prefer to NOT be put out, ever. I never have, and hope to never be. I worry about the risks, and honestly just don't want to be "unplugged" for fear that I won't "reboot" properly. I know, irrational... However, I have had dental surgery without being out, several minor but large skin operations, and will be having another soon on my eyelid. I don't intend to be put out for that either. Just Novocaine please.... I admit, if having open heart surgery, Id have to consider it. But as long as they looped me up good on some Xanax or similar, and gave me the epidural, I think I could handle it. Look at the picture on the Wired article, that guy is definitely looped...

Surgeon Makes Tutorial DVD For Conscious Open-Heart Surgery 170

Lanxon writes "Swaroup Anand, 23, from Bangalore, was fully conscious as he underwent open-heart surgery. An epidural to the neck, administered at the city’s Wockhardt Hospital, numbed his body during the procedure. Dr Vivek Jawali pioneered the technique ten years ago and has recently released a tutorial on DVD, which gives a step-by-step guide to the procedure for other surgeons to watch and learn from."

Comment Simple solution - Peoplemovers at the exits. (Score 2, Interesting) 361

Although I agree the investment is probably not worth it at most airports, at places like the big 3 in NYC, O'Hare, Boston, etc, it would be fairly easy to put a "peoplemover" at the exit to the concourse. I.e. get on the moving belt, ride out of the exit door. To "accidentally" go the wrong way would be HIGHLY unlikely. They already have these things all over the airports, just install a few (side by side?) at the exits. Let the guards and cameras sit there and watch. Hell, a camera could use motion detection to flag/alarm if it detected a "person" or object going the wrong way any significant distance....

Comment Re:I'll be the karma whore (Score 3, Interesting) 324

I just read through that entire thing, and seems to me this is a really good and well thought-out coloring book about general disasters and helping young kids cope. The cover is really the only thing that's 9/11 related - and if you look, even that is just ONE part of the disasters represented. I think this is clearly yet another example of overzealous political correctness - i.e. pussification.

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