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Comment Busted (Score 1) 611

I remember reading an ask slashdot post about a week ago in which the poster asked if releasing linux malware out into the wild was an ethical thing to do or not. Looks like we've got somebody to blame. Personally though, I blame the idiots who download screensavers, especially a "waterfall" screensavers.

Comment Re:Who'd have thought... (Score 1) 194

Wow, so like 7 years ago you didn't like linux (probably fedora?). Unless you were running a server or you loved spending a load of time getting your computer working, neither did anyone else. In terms of a desktop OS, it wasn't nearly as baked 7 years ago as it is today. Lots of room to grow still, but I certainly prefer it to windows XP for most things (I primarily do development). For a casual user its better as well (no need to worry about spyware/virii, and you can install tons of apps for free). The only reason to stick with running windows native is if you are a gamer or you need some app that doesn't run well in wine or a virtual machine. Otherwise I'd say the best of both worlds is to run linux with wine and virtualbox for those "other" apps.

Comment SEO (Score 0) 564

This is probably overboard, but if you build a personal website with your name in the title (but keep your titles different on each page, just make sure your name is there). Then get some backlinks, Put in a pdf with your resume, your interests, whatever. Of course that takes time, especially if you haven't built a website before.. I'd recommend use a CMS like drupal with the Page Title module. SEO really isn't that difficult when there isn't much competition.. Also you can get hosting for as low as like $4 a month and a domain name is only $10 a year..

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