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Comment Re:My favorite (Score 2, Funny) 563

Amen. I get so tired of that nonsense. Look, I really don't care if somebody breaks into my Bell Tire Discount Club forum account. I'd much rather just use "passw0rd" than have to come up with a 76-character string that includes both upper and lower-case, at least one special character, at least one numeral, a Latin proverb, the last four digits of my social security number, and a passage from the Necronomicon.

Comment Re:wtf (Score 1) 557

She said they were likely to become depressed or angry, have trouble forming relationships and suffer from decreased sexual appetites. Small percentages said they had reacted to unpleasant images by vomiting or crying.

That's me now, and I'm not getting paid. =(

Yeah, replace "unpleasant images" with "401k statements."

Comment Re:Oh, Great (Score 0) 192

Now the Olympics are going to look like a convention of superheroes and supervillains, with each athlete alignment-doping him or herself with more and more outrageous costumes, posturing, and pre-event monologues.

"Sure, he hurled the discus five miles, but did he really have to soak it in the blood of five virgins and dedicate his performance to All-Mighty Set?"


"How are you preparing yourself, mentally, for your event?"

"Last Olypmics, I spent the week before working in a soup kitchen, for a lousy bronze medal. This year, I'm just going to drop a baby down a well."

Comment Re:wow... (Score 5, Funny) 107

Are you telling me that finally answering the question "which Jersey Shore character are you?", via 106-question interactive quiz, is somehow a waste of time?

Some of us are working on a legacy to pass along, you know. When you great-great-grandchildren look at their mother and ask "mom, was great-great-granddad more like Mike 'The Situation' or D.J. Pauly D?" will she have an answer? Or will she have to look down at her feet in shame and whisper "I don't know."?

Comment Re:Science! (Score 0) 123

I couldn't agree more. I am not saying that Angelic Flatulence Theory is incontrovertibly true, but there are some compelling data that support it, and until it is disproven I think we are doing a disservice to our children to deprive them of the full range of current scientific research into this phenomenon.

Comment Re:And how is he not in jail? (Score 2, Insightful) 219

Im sorry how does one get away building a freaking unsafe amateur nuclear device IN NYC, I know he is an expert and all (you kinda have to be to develop a static web catalog) but Jesus

last time I went up there, I couldn't carry a travel size tube of toothpaste and this dink is making a bomb in his basement

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the basic reaction of 99% of the population* when they read this story.

*people who know precisely dick about physics

This guy will be lucky if his neighbors don't lynch him. :(

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