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Comment Re:Slashkos (Score 0, Flamebait) 1053

I'm not sure you get it. What I got from "a problem with the area between the ears" is that people that make dumb/stupid/misinformed need to live with the consequences of those consciously made decisions. I have no desire and/or moral obligation to help them out. I don't care, unless I'm directly impacted, and that will require a different course of action. Call me selfish if you want, I don't care, but I have never asked, nor do I expect others to bail me out from the poor choices that I have made.

Having said that, I don't mind helping those that physically/mentally/economically disadvantaged through no fault of their own.

To those people that want a handout, or through some strange sense of entitlement think that society at large owes them something....FUCK OFF

Comment Re:Better Idea (Score 1) 793

In BC where I live, we have recently had a carbon tax (applied also to natural gas used to heat homes and cook food) introduced, and the motherfuckers that introduced it just got re-elected. They claimed that it is revenue neutral, as there are accompanying income tax cuts. Well, you know what, it may revenue neutral, but it sure as shit isn't cost neutral. They did this under the premise that it would change peoples' behaviour due to this generations' bogeyman of climate change (yes, I'm a denier).

The problem is that the only thing that it changed is that took money away from my family to spend on other things in the economy. How dare they charge me a tax to heat my home, or to cook my food. As well, for work, I have a 120KM/day round trip commute, and my wife has a 60 KM/day round trip from our home. Both of our places of employment are not served by public transit. Please don't try and tell me to move closer to work, that just isn't doable around here (Vancouver and area had a ridiculous price boom over the last few years which made living in the suburbs the only reasonable option).

Just to add insult to injury, this carbon tax is also subject to our 5% GST (VAT). Yes, a tax on a tax. How beautiful.

To those people that support a punitive tax like a carbon tax, until there is a reasonable alternative such as transit that doesn't double or triple travel time, hydrogen fuel celled vehicles, or even the electric car (which I would buy), I have to give you a great big FUCK OFF, stay the fuck OUT of my pocket. Don't punish me so you can feel better.

Remember this, by definition, burning FINITE fossil fuels can only do FINITE damage.

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